Tailteann Cup - The new Tommy Murphy

Jordan Morris is the definition of a powder puff footballer. The place for a powder puff footballer is being puffed up by camogie-style analysis in a Talcum Powder Cup final.


The shooting has been particularly atrocious

Go easy, two success starved counties with a massive following who demand success and two young sides in a National final. Down had over 600 at a breakfast during the week, a county craving for the return of the big days in HQ.


Flynn could go a size smaller in the suit here you’d feel

I retract my prior remark. That was miles off being an OG upon seeing the slowmo replay.

It’s called a food bank.

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I’m disappointed you didn’t dig in Fluvio style.

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Who’s Joanne Cantwell supporting in this?

That song from the Allianz ad is shite enough to be a Hermitage Green B-side

I too think Down will end up winning this easily.

RTE need to have a clock showing how long is left on a black card

Down about to take over here. Meath wilted a bit physically the last day.

Meath should have been at least 4 points up at half time so major recalibration required, I’d sub 11 & 8 and go from there if I was O’Rourke.
It is Downs game to lose

Take 2

Bobo is incredible.

Nice Hulk Hogan pose by Laverty on the sideline.

Rory Mason looks fierce old. Like a player from the early 1980s.

Bad bad wide

Laverty is a great man for the sensible beanie

Down have fallen asleep. They’re probably not the only ones, to be fair.