Grand nephew diagnosed as being autistic, lovely little chap of 2 and a half.
Parents destroyed at first , doc referred to HSE who are assessing him have granted him one to one tutoring/ assessment etc 5days per week/4 hours a day .
This particular smallie can be really tough work but after 30 minutes yesterday away he went with her hand in hand for over 5 hours, mammy amazed,and from November he’s going to into a unit with 4 others to try and get him up to speed and prepare him for whatever type of school or future awaits( day unit)
I’m the first to shout about HSE neglect etc but by God our little country isn’t half bad at times, having worked and witnessed how some other countries really neglect their children our HSE on this occasion needs lauded.
Hear hear.
Great to hear he’s being looked after well.
Ive seen the good and the bad. Believe me.
But having been into Crumlin a few times, theyre brilliant in there. And deserve serious credit.
In my experience, thankfully, bring a child into Temple Street or Crumlin, and you soon realise you have few enough problems.
Yes my friends son was attending Crumlin they’re unreal
You got that in one,beaver lodge( house) In Belfast the exact same a humbling experience
The vast majority of people in the HSE are amazing. Even more amazing considering that have to work for the HSE. If that makes sense
I’ve accidentally found this thread.Here goes:
Nanny has been in physical decline since Christmas, movement (such as it was) had become dodgy, you’d need to keep an eye, food and drink intake reduced to the minimum, resisting all coercion, unclear of surroundings, frequently absolutely disoriented. Would have gone headfirst on Sunday except I was ahead of her and in rugby parlance wheeled the ruck…
Monday morning…sweltering in the bed, breathing but unresponsive…Ambulance…Great timing, great staffing, temp 40.5…
In summary she’s getting round the clock attention from the fullest range of the available facilities, speech and language, dieticians, physiotherapists, geriatricians and whatever. I cannot visit her, she’s not uncomfortable or agitated when I ring, the staff are wonderful, kindly and informative.
Given the circumstances I can’t praise them highly enough.
Sorry to hear that mate, best wishes.
Once you get seen to the service is generally excellent. Great people with often outdated and underfunded services. It’s the backlog of getting seen waiting on scans etc that’s the problem.
Too many chiefs
Best wishes to Nanny
Keep her lit Boxty my friend
All the best and hope herself rallies around
Hope all goes well Boxty auld stock
Hard oul station @anon67715551 the very best wishes to you and Nanny.
Best of luck to you both Boxty, tough going made all the harder during these times.
Best wishes to nanny, yourself and extended Boxty clan.
Best of luck Boxty, hopefully she gets home to you soon.