Taxi Drivers

He gets worse press than Heggo.


Bolt is a new taxi app that has entered the market.

Used it a few times and works well. When you make a request for a taxi it actually notifies the closest driver to you and he has first refusal. On Free Now it notifies a load of drivers at once and it’s the first person that accepts gets the job.

Used it in Thailand I think it was. Do all sorts of shit like drop drycleaning, pick up shopping etc. All the practical sorts of things you need when immersed in Bangkok…

It is a very low barrier for entry for taxis these days, there’s no big fee anymore, so what would it add to allow uber?
I agree 100% they need to do something to provide taxis in rural areas, but there is basically nothing stopping someone from registering as a taxi as it stands, so I’m not sure what uber adds? Other than taking all the taxi drivers money

Would add volume to rural areas. You’d get a lot more whod do it for an hour or two for few quid like you find with drivers in the States

What’s stopping them doing that now is my point

Wouldnt expect say a fulltime post grad student for example to want to look through jumping through whatever hoops to become a taxi driver

Isn’t it the vetting of drivers has been the problem with it everywhere? That and the company’s claims they’re only a platform and don’t have any responsibility for any of their drivers.

The same hoops are there to become an uber driver. You don’t just download the app and off you go. You need all the paperwork, insurance, Garda vetting etc

Bolt is ace. Routinely offer promotions with % off. Up till recently I was getting 70% off a fare. A taxi journey that was €35 ended up costing 11 quid.

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The uber app would make it far more workable and allow for supply/demand. Being a hackney working off the mobile phone is an utter pain in the hole in comparison.

Would allow people to do it in a far more casual manner when there is demand for it.

Uber take an awful whack of the money, and are a bunch of cunts. I agree though something similar might work if the government put it in place. A rural uber, Ruber. Didn’t the Dublin taxi drivers launch their own app at one stage?

Big difference between accepting a job through the app when it suits you rather than having every yahoo locally ringing you non stop


Big difference between knowing who you are ringing to collect you, and just hitting an app and being collected by any local busy body cunt.

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Sounds like it’d be so unreliable as to be worthless.

Self driving electric taxis is the way forward

Yeah, here. Those are the hurdles we’re talking about exclusive to here.

You don’t need a big taxi sign on your door and a roof sign nor a meter in your dash board so can do it in your private car without transforming that car into a taxi. Can do uber a few hours a week as suits you.

A lot of taxis in Hungary are EVs. We are way behind. Teslas are the job. - Up to €25,000 for taxi drivers to buy Electric Vehicles (

i think you owe Mr Ryan an apology mate