Taxi Drivers

Not enough of them on the road. Any new licence should have to have an EV. Plus there is plenty over. We used to laugh at there soviet era shitboxes. We sre way behind

just admit its a good scheme & its a no brainer for taxis to switch

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Its a good scheme and no brainer. The cunts want to get the finger out. They charge enough as is

A Tesla taxi just pullled out in front of me. It’s easy see I live in a constituency of a Green minister.

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Cash is king.

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Are these losses insured?

I’m dubious enough on this.
It seems to require a lot of things to fall into place.

I assumed banking apps themselves would be far more secure than this? Revolut and the likes obviously a bit less

Yeah on AIB you need that card reader to add a new payee on the account so Revolut is a good shout alright.

Once you’re logged in you’ll be able to send funds and might be able to add more funds using the card on the account…

Yes but if you add funds over a certain amount you usually need to authenticate through the banks 2 factor system. But if lads are carrying 4 or 5 figure balances around on Revolut then it’s open to this I guess

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Youd want your head examined carrying that much in your revolt

Sending the money to a Revolut Account and withdrawing it from an ATM

I’d love to see what you typed into the search bar to return that image

It just had to be Nigerian Taxi…

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Jokes on them, i struggle to put in my password sober since the requirement to have work email on the phone now requires a 8 character password with special characters as opposed to a pin number.

No way they would guess it

Another snowflake who can barely survive life in the real world.

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This makes the behaviour of taxi drivers all the more disgusting.

They are forcing vulnerable people onto the streets for taxis through pure greed. They are happy enough to use the networking effects of the apps at “quieter” times during the day, but are throwing people to the wolves at night.

They are a regulated service but pick and choose when they want to provide a public service.