Taxi Drivers

€1800 from Revolut account? Clearly a fool for keeping that much w Revolut

Uber is long overdue


Industry is in a complete mess.

A worrying trend I’ve noticed since covid is the taxi’s driving around with lights on/ or in ranks and picking and choosing their fares out the window. “I’m not going that way” or “I don’t leave this area” are two regular responses, its not a fucking bus you are driving lads

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Can’t believe ye’re not allowed to have it

He was robbed at knifepoint after getting into a taxi, what am I missing?

I suppose some of them would be looking for fares in both directions.

Sounds like it wasn’t a taxi in the first place. But yet on TFK the blame goes on

  • Yer man for being a snowflake
  • Other taxi drivers for not working
  • Taxi drivers who do work but won’t go to areas that they probably know they’ll lose fares by being robbed

Yet the lads who robbed yer man are blameless. What a world!


SPSV drivers cannot unreasonably refuse a fare, so long as it is below 30 kilometres distance. They can refuse you if you cannot show that you are able to pay the fare. They can also refuse to take you (or ask you to leave the vehicle) if you are acting in a disorderly, abusive or offensive manner.

One night I had both scenario’s, a taxi driver who wouldn’t go to Tallaght at 7pm “wasn’t on his way” and later that night a taxi driver who wouldn’t leave Tallaght!

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I haven’t needed a taxi in Dublin since before Covid but it almost sounds like the pre-deregulation days where you’d never know how long you’d be waiting at a rank or you’d just walk the 3-4 miles home after a night out. This was still 2000 so doesn’t seem that long ago.

There was a hackney office on one of the side streets to O’Connell St I remember spending many a rainy night in and I’d say plenty of those ‘hackneys’ were in no way legit at all

I presume you are carpooling to Rovers with some other climate conscious fingal based rovers fan if there is such a thing?

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Christ where to start.

Gets into a random car that’s not a taxi. Doesn’t bother to look for any form of taxi ID on the dash.

So obsessed with he’s phone doesn’t notice he
Isn’t being brought where he requested
to go.

Car stops in some random area and has no self awareness to check around him or question the driver.
And the most unforgivable point- didn’t Chan he’s ass outta there like an 80s hero like me


Harsh, his missus had just had a baby, he was understandably on his phone,
What’s snowflake about not checking if it’s a taxi?

Look, maybe a bit stoopid but hardly snowflake


No suggestion it wasn’t a taxi.


As if a girl would stab you for your phone and wallet.

Karate chop the knife outta her hand.
Twist the taxi drivers head off.

Spark up a fag outside the car waiting for the cops to arrive with Miami vice era music playing in your head.


My taxi driver this afternoon had a pair of boxing gloves hanging off the rear view mirror.

I walked through that open door.

Turns out he’s from Republic of Dagestan in Russia (where Khabib is from). His daughter is girls 57kg Irish Champion

He said when he fought he had a 700kg punch with his right hand. 600kg with the left. All power comes from the legs he said. The legs feed the wolf I said. Exactly he said.

He lost it all he told me when he was attacked by three lads with knives and he destroyed one of them. Lost his home and moved to Ireland.

He said Roy Jones was greatest of all time and Kellie Harrington is a better boxer than Katie Taylor. Told me skipping was about building balance more than fitness. Said balance was where punchers came from.

At the end of fhe journey he got out to show me photos of his daughter fighting. As our route was subject to a detour because of a closed road he insisted on discounting my fare by a fiver.


Do you reckon you could have taken him?

I’m fairly certain.



My driver tonight was from Bangladesh.

We chatted.

He wanted a coffee but coffee place was closed. I said I’d make him a coffee One sugar.

I’m bamboozled so I made him one and said keep the keep cup. Told him to wait. He did. Out with the coffee.

He started crying.

I got way more out of it.

Be kind.