Taxi Drivers

Another fella yesterday. Didn’t speak a word the whole way from town to Liffey Valley but belched the whole way. Not an excuse me or a sorry either.
Nice car though. Kia EV6


I’d two absolute lunatics driving me too and from the airport in Turkey ( I don’t think there was a warning light that wasn’t lit up on the second fella’s dashboard), so I decided to walk everywhere after that.

Got a deadly lad just now. Doing a bit of BG work in glasnevin, the bike got a puncture outside dcu. I’d to run/walk the bike up the road to the gig. Arrived, sweating 2 mins before i was due. Was gonna leave the bike there and come back for it but was chatting to my man Aboud about what happened and he happily threw the filthy bike in the back. Saves me a journey to glasnevin and back when I’m meant to be taking mrs j away for a couple of nights. Great stuff!


Building Graves?

Ju and Aboud are key men in the BIG GAEILGE OCG


Savage pub in Glasnevin called the Gravebuilders.


On FreeNow

snowman and slowflake are promo codes doing the rounds this morning.

Got a €20 credit using snowflake there.

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Do you still have the voucher? Poor auld Ashutosh has had a long day.

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All taken back the cunts. Would have got me 2 trips home over Christmas

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Missus got a cab home from a work do last night about 9. Hopped in around Amiens St and what normally takes 15 mins, was closer to 50 whatever the fuck was going on with traffic.

As she’s getting out home he says ‘im.very sorry to ask but is there any chance I could use your bathroom?’

I’m sat on the couch and in she comes followed by your man. ‘Wtf?’ I’m thinking as she starts to explain and your man bursts for the jacks.

Wasnt long dawning that he wasn’t looking to spend a penny. I should have put the metre on as he laid a metre of it inside. Fucking ages the weirdo!

Merry Xmas says he as he goes out the door. Yeah, thanks for the stench.


Would you have preferred if the poor fella shat his pants?

What did you have for lunch @Fagan_ODowd?


I would never have known.


That’s your good deed done for the Christmas.

As a person who has logged in the “Have you ever soiled yourself as an adult?” thread, I can empathise with the pressure he must have been under

Oh I empathise alright. Was more he checking the form guide and what was happening on Facebook for 10 mins I found less relatable.


Where would a taxi driver generally go for a shit?

In his hat?

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Typically nip in for a coffee and brown the jacks before getting back to the car.


Sounds like @LionelRitchie got badly mugged off