So basically what you’re saying is they’re a bunch of stone-useless, uncultured dullards, fit for nothing only staring at screens and scrolling?
Not at all. They’ve just found different ways to express themselves and the fact that those ways are alien to their parents is sort of the way it’s supposed to be since the invention of the teenager in 1950s
You could tell her all about the time you played in a local football match when you were only 15
The preponderance of evidence indicates that if you are a male Taylor Swift fan over the age of thirty, you likely have elevated estrogen levels and potentially a vagina. Reviewing the aforementioned posts and their contributors corroborates this assertion.
Eh mate , have you seen the Swifties ?!
They just dress up for the gigs and go back to the uniform next day
Punk/goth/mod/mettaller were full time looks,
Pin on badges were a handy way to express an interest in music back in the day without going full metaller etc (ie your mother wouldn’t let you out of the house dressed like that)
Do kids still write the name of their favourite bands on their schoolbags, or etch them into the school desk with a compass?
Jaysus. That takes me back
There’s an app for that now.
I’ve never seen anything like the worship for her . i find the whole thing a bit sad . Was talking to two principals the other day . The pressure on parents to get tickets for it was unreal . The amount of people who got scammed out of pure desperation. Parents who couldn’t really afford it in first place. 3 arena booked out just to sell her overpriced merch. she may as well have arrived with a milking stool.
What’s going on here? I’m not sure I know one of her songs. Is it some sort of computer generated programme that has young girls absolutely hooked ? She doesn’t seem that good to me from what I’ve seen.
You sound like you’ve lost complete control of the dressing room. By all meams… allow them their bit of soft harmless pop music but you need to respond in equal measure with your own musical tastes. Things may get tricky when you hear your youngest singing about ‘whores in my bed’ but plough on and fight your corner.
There was very little music claptrap when my auld fella was driving us to school. Strictly Morning Ireland in the morning or Drivetime in the evening. Sports then on a Saturday or Sunday.
Whatever Country and western show could be picked up on a local station then on a Sunday evening after a match was as much music as we got to listen to when he was driving.
My young lad will get expelled from school when he does his latest party piece at the school Christmas concert
Simmer Down by Casper Walsh…he has the dub accent down and all
What is it that separates Coldplay say from other music thats classed as ‘credible’ (arcade fire? the national?) you could easily swap a lot of their songs over and say one was by the other
Why does every generation have to hate on the next generations musical tastes? That’s what always amazes me.
I’m not really big into music but it always amazes me.
How much it annoys people.
The ould fella aquired a Seamus Moore tape back in the mid 90s and we got some kick out of that.