Teach an Mhadra

Tis no wonder the poor woman is so upset.

hope you are still living there when the doll moves in mate

will help him settle

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If there was the opposite to the dog house I’d try and stay out of it. But there isn’t. No matter how much you do in search of those elusive “brownie points” they disappear into the ether at the first sign of trouble… So drive on kid


I run the house mate. Dinners to school drops to activities. But shes in charge of lots of the other stuff. We’re a good team. If a run like I’m on happens occasiinally thats just what it is.
Singing the lightning seeds… oooh ive the life of Spideeeey!


You’re welcome out for a pint this evening if you fancy it. We may have a prepint in the bloody stream and deer park but we’ll be starting proper in the summit and working our way back down to the harbour. We’ll be the Fingallian, the two country lads and the Turk.

What in the name of jehoshaphat?
Leave her a small salad and 180ml of a dry white wine. Plenty good enough.

I cooked her one of her favourite curries and did the rice before i left today. She’ll still probably get a take away out of spite.

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Get a swim in mate - clear the nut

I missed that bus the lads went down at 9am.

Very kind. I’m in Dunmore however.

There’s some badness in a woman.

To paraphrase @TreatyStones. If you can get up with the kids in the morning don’t go out with the boys at night

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pick up the kids from school and then go on the beer?

Tell het to arrange a night out with the girls tomorrow night or a spa day Sunday or some shit. You know the drill now at this stage you are at it long enough

Fire them into the corner with a large bottle of mineral and a bag of taytos each. Like the auld lads used to do when they wanted to go out

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A package of Pub Crisps.


Tomorrow is a family day for her alright… its her uncles funeral type thing…:grimacing:

I’d like to innform the forum that I’ve done a full 180 and will be picking up the kids before going out. Thanks lads, i believe this will be massive in terms of damage limitation.


Few bob for the pool table and a few quid for the corner shop

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You could learn a lot from me.

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