i. Anyone starting in their chosen profession on €32k is doing alright and shouldn’t be whingeing.
ii. It is for business and I’ve heard it is very nice apart from the rocket attacks.
Teaching is an important job and should be properly rewarded. However, there is a lot of deadwood in the profession and they should be cleared out. But then again that goes for every profession I suppose.
The deadwood will be gone in time. Hard to imagine anyone who was hired as a teacher in the last 5-10 years will end up being of a similar ilk to some of the nutcases, weirdos and lazy cunts we had as teachers. IMO, every school should have a marquee allowance thing like in the MLS and be able to pay big money to a couple of brilliant individuals to go and be teachers. It’d be worth it in the long run.
You’d be surprised.
You have to agree on criteria against which excellence can be assessed though. That’s the bit no one can agree on.
[quote=“fistoffury, post: 715779”]
Is that true?
Agreed teaching is a tough job but there is lots of tough jobs out there for similar money who do 9 hour days and 4 weeks holidays.
i don’t agree with cutting peoples wages but i would advocate increasing their hours for the money they currently get.[/quote]
Ireland 27th out of 31 countries surveyed with regard to education spending as a percentage of GDP according to the OECD.
Agreed there are lots of tough jobs out there where people work longer hours for equal or less money but the point is how highly do we value education? If we want decent people to take the job then pay them decent wages. It’s not the teachers fault that Bertie threw money at the public service via benchmarking.
is this the same company that the admin sends you out to the boss’s car to get stuff for him?
seriously, ashkelon is a disaster, there is absoluetly nothing at all to do down there.
I presume you’re working in one the hi tech plants like intel or HP or something over in Kiyat gat, that’s about 30 mins inland from ashkelon, they used to put their guys up there a few years back but stopped for obvious reasons
There are 2 hotels that i know of, they’d be full of religous people at weekends.
the city itself is very poor, very high ethiopian population and others that just cant get out.
the israeli governmen really dont care about cities in the south, if they did they would have carpet bombed gaza by now, instead thet just leave them endure continual rocket attacks, there is no investment down there, a huge drug problem and every other social issue you could imagine.
If you are only here short term stay in Tel Aviv, you’ll be where yiu need to be in an hour and your sanity will thank you for it
PM me if you need any more info
FenwayPark and SLR are an example of all of the above
Primary school teachers put in a hard slog listening to whiny kids all day, secondary teachers can fuck off
It was to go out and clean his car but don’t worry that disgusting cunt will get hers. Heading out to the power plant there and staying in an apartment down by the marina-have a driver and that so not too worried about security but had been told that is actually a nice little town on the coast-looks like the bastards have misled me. I will be telling them to change my accommodation to Tel Aviv-believe its only 45 minutes to power plant from there. Cheers for the info my friend.
Seriously? Have you encounterd many teenagers lately. Primary school kids are far easier to manage. They are louder but take more direction. Secondary teachers can take desperate abuse from kids who don’t want to want to be there but are forced to be until they can legally leave school.
There is absolutely no need for the teaching profession to exist.
Secondary teachers work less days and less hours. They also just repeat the same lessons over and over. If they’ve no control they shouldn’t be in the job.
Thats one of my main gripes. Why do teachers allow a situation where you’re paid by years of service rather than ability/performance. Pay the good teachers better and push the crap ones out. That and the new joiner craic shows how morally bankrupt the unions are in Irl and why ultimately they’re regarded with disdain by those on the outside of the PS.
Surely you don’t think that 42k a year is a fair wage? Our teachers are vastly underworked and substantially paid for doing so compared to other countries. Yeah, education is important, and no more so than now, but the sense of entitlement these cunts have is a joke. Are these cunts in it for the money or is it a so called vocation? Finland has what is regarded as the worlds best education system in the world, with a huge demand for teacher training places in college, and are way underpaid compares to here. They also have to have a undergrad before they can apply for teacher training. The cunts here are walked through their leaving cert only to go through the same for their ‘degree’ in education.
42k my arse. Your one should fuck back to her retail job if all she wants is money and if your man is trying to save a dying profession that he cares so much for I’m sure he will manage it on 32k.
[quote=“fistoffury, post: 715779”]
Is that true?
Agreed teaching is a tough job but there is lots of tough jobs out there for similar money who do 9 hour days and 4 weeks holidays.
i don’t agree with cutting peoples wages but i would advocate increasing their hours for the money they currently get.[/quote]
What do people think are examples of similar jobs in terms of pay and importance/difficulty? Ten years in is probably a fairer measure to judge on too.
Where is the 32k figure from anyway? Is that pre or post cuts and stopping allowances etc? One things for sure the younger crowd are being rode but that’s across the public sector
[quote=“Julio Geordio, post: 715792”]
Secondary teachers work less days and less hours. They also just repeat the same lessons over and over. If they’ve no control they shouldn’t be in the job.[/quote]
Secondary school teachers work longer days than primary teachers though they do have a shorter school year to facilitate the junior and leaving cert. They may repeat the lessons but to a new group that may not grasp the concepts as easy as the previous one. I didn’t say that they had no control but it’s not like they simply turn up and deliver a lesson to a group of eager to learn students all the time.
G&b makes a good point about the public service unions selling out new employees to maintain privilege for the leadership generation. That will be a problem in another decade and thus that group does not care.
benchmarking and the pension problem which was then multiplied are arguably a bigger issue than banking debt as the impact recurs every year and will take 30/40 years to with through unless we get inflation to run well ahead of public pay increases. reverse benchmarking.
We do need a good burst of inflation, the fucking ecb will drown 400m people yet.
[quote=“tallback, post: 715793”]
Thats one of my main gripes. Why do teachers allow a situation where you’re paid by years of service rather than ability/performance. Pay the good teachers better and push the crap ones out. That and the new joiner craic shows how morally bankrupt the unions are in Irl and why ultimately they’re regarded with disdain by those on the outside of the PS.[/quote]
Really hard to judge performance though without creating a huge sub-industry of assessors.
Who were your “best teachers”? Mine were Frau Ryan, Hughesie, Mr. O’Brien and a young and devastatingly attractive accounting teacher we had for the last couple of years.