
My ones still bring home whatever books they need for homework.

What are you trying to say here?

There is a lot happens, or doesnt happen I should say, in our school that I dont see elsewhere. People talking about the online teaching when the first lockdown hit and all that crack. We had pretty much zero contact from the school and no work was assessed for our lads.

He’s not burying the truth particularly deep there, join a few dots

We are still getting the books home, but only those required to complete the homework.

There was a scheduled power outage in the school last week. I assumed it would have been a prime opportunity to test the remote working capabilities. Not a chance. Day off for everyone.

what class?

Senior infants for my one, but the whole school was off.

I don’t know how feasible remote work is for kids that young buddy

The whole school was off.

I presume it’s only national school. What remote work could they be doing?


would the power outage not have affected teachers or students ability to work online? not giving them an excuse mind, but it may have been a factor

Ya that’s a reasonable suggestion.
I don’t know what the scale of the outage was or how large an area it affected.

I suppose each school has different policies,
but a school cannot just decide to close for a day and a half, those days will need to be made up,
Homework is nothing to be getting your knickers in a twist about, if you feel your child needs to be kept ticking over between the hours of 3 and 6 then it isn’t too difficult to find appropriate material online, if you are lucky enough to have no homework to do then count your lucky stars.


The kids in Finland get very little homework and have what is one of the best education systems in the world.

Any parent of a primary school student clamouring for homework in this day and age is stuck in the past.


The kids here get way too much homework.

Cute Manor hoor insists the childer bring home the schoolbooks for fear of someone stealing them from the school. No faith in the “Schoolwatch” system.

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How do you make that out? What have the Finns contributed to the world on a cultural, scientific or commercial level? An insolvent mobile phone company is the best that I can think of.


My niece goes to a hippy school up in woodford and they get no homework. Sounds like a load of bollox. Homework has to help.

Heart rate monitors and molotov cocktails to name but 2.

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I always hated homework and I still hate it in principle. I don’t think there’s much benefit to it. It should either be abolished or should consist of go outside and run around. I don’t have children and am not in anyway qualified to comment really.

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