
Or in a lot of cases that Nana and Grandad will be minding the kids for the two days

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Correct.The teachers union disguising a couple of extra days holidays as a saftey measure.

I’d say bidness is down about 80%. It’ll be a hobby at this rate of going

Think you’ve picked the wrong horse here…

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Just what’s that supposed to mean?!

Bull beef is goin well

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It means I got your back chief. (But not in a Tyrone stab you-in-it-way).


I’m an unpaid labourer as far as that goes

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Like the owner.

It’s a hard life but a good life…sure I can stop and say a decade or two whenever the notion takes me


Your time in Nayna left an awful mark on you

You made me blush :relaxed: :blush:



The local school has a strict policy forbidding bringing school books, personal belongings etc to and from home…a health and safety measure to minimise the spread of covid. That it saves the teachers preparing and marking homework is a cross they have to bear I suppose. I predict the rules will be relaxed so kids can give their teachers Christmas presents.


Sounds like your school is still in the 20th century. Online homework is actually an awful lot more work for teachers, but I don’t like to complain.

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You teach in a primary school? You’re finished at 3 with at most an hour of marking. You’ve 3 months in the summer, a fortnight at Christmas and Easter and various mid term breaks, staff days etc.
But it’s intense enough in it’s own way.

My point was about Christmas presents though!

The primary school here is closing half day Thursday and closed Friday. It is usually when the parent teacher meetings happen but this year the teachers need the time off to prepare the pupils school reports. There are 25 kids per teacher and their classroom assistant. Friday is also the last day for 2 weeks that all non-essential retail is open.

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You’re in the wrong neighbourhood…


Thats if there is online homework. Our school have stopped the transfer of books home and in, everything stays in school. It also has meant they are getting zero homework. No online, no guidance or asking to do anything once the bell rings after school. some may say thats a good thing, homework is shite and all that, but I dont think it helps. We’ve ended doing extra stuff with our lads just to keep things ticking over and making up for the lack of structured homework. Not much, mainly reading and maths stuff and simple things. But the school is seriously pissing me off and has done for a long time.


The books are allowed home here, the homework is assigned through an application, it gets done, uploaded onto a different application and corrected through there. Very smooth.

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