
It sounds like a pretty shit school all being told


You’re posting under the Glenshane persona mate, not the Fulvio one.



Primary or secondary

Didn’t hear that phrase in 20 years :clap:wife used say that to me, another Derry one” couldn’t like him if he was made of chocolate”
Or her favourite “ oh here when comes, the big I am”:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: used drive me bananas ( she knew which buttons to push​:ok_hand:)


That’s bad form on principals part…can she not be softened by Board of management getting behind your request ?


That’s what I was thinking myself.Most schools would take the hand off anyone that offers their time.

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Fair play for putting yourself forward. Maybe they need to be hassled into doing things.

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I don’t like going around her as I’ve just been going to her direct so far. Using the BOM to try get things in that I’ve directly been asking her may same underhanded and I don’t want to fuck everything up.

@gilgamboa the school is generally fine. It’s a brand new build, the old one demolished, so they don’t want for anything really in terms of service. The teachers too are good. I just find that the level of effort to take it up a level is lacking. There is no obligation on them to do that, but I’m more sports orientated and put more importance on that. The principal is more into music and singing, so there’s lots of that, which is great, but could be balance. It could be a whole lot worse tho in fairness.



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I’d an old boss who was legendary at this. Used to drop hints coming up to teachers day. Got himself ridiculous stuff. Clothes, restaurant vouchers and even an I phone. Hed teach you a thing or two about grifting.


No homework could be a good idea but it’s important children spend a bit of time revising what they learned in class that day.

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Would you not be better off trying to get on the BOM as the parents rep? Given the age of the kids you’ve another 8 years of this at least unless you move schools

Yeah I’ve been asked to previously, but just with work and other shit I wouldn’t have had the time to commit to something else. I’ll see when it comes around again.

Although it’s just easier to piss and moan on here…


'it would be a lovely gesture if school principals and teachers would unite and ask parents and students to make anonymous donations to a charity instead.
There are kids sent to school without breakfast yet they’re pressurised into fattening up better off teachers. It’s actually distasteful


If it was me I wouldn’t panic ref primary, i used to put too much emphasis on bloody homework but they all did ok in their own way, now secondary I still expect the work to be put in

Great idea,my kids school Holy Child ps , Creggan estate was a genuinely deprived area in the midst of the troubles,but the principal at the time not to embarrass the kids had a selection of shoes for boys n girls and if any of the dinner ladies spotted a little one in need they’d pass it on to the boss who’d give one of the ladies a selection of shoes to try on the kids during a quiet period, no one spotted or said anything, dinner ladies always packed grub for the poorest kids in their bags to bring home, yes some of the parents had drink/mental/ or tablet addiction or gambling problems so the money went elsewhere etc, but fair dues to the ordinary ppl of Creggan a more generous bunch you’d not meet, and from my travels around the 6 counties it was the same all over , rc or Protestant


That’s outstanding. Staff in schools like that do a completely different job from those teaching in better off areas.
Grammar schools have a ridiculously easy time compared to community colleges/comprehensives etc. They can pick the best teaching graduates, the most able students, the most supportive parents etc…then they have the audacity to congratulate themselves when their students get the best grades.
When I’m il presidente I’ll instigate a draft system where the most disadvantaged schools will have the pick of the best young teachers- there’ll be no college fees for teacher training college, but every graduate will owe three years of service in a disadvantaged area. It’ll be an absolute game changer.


My Captain! My King!

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