
I hereby appoint you ‘minister for discos’.
It’s a helluva job.



Not sure what the situation is where you are but any school with a designation of disadvantaged would have a breakfast club or at least a system whereby nobody should be hungry at the start of the school day.
And despite your clear misgivings about their motivation I would say that teachers in general (in as much as I can say) love kids and will like out for their needs, if you suspect a child hasn’t had a breakfast you can take steps to rectify that.

Don’t be so hung on a petty issue like silly 2 euro Christmas presents if you want to make this a serious conversation


No offence, but you’re coming across as a right sanctimonious prick. Your condescending remarks about 2 euro preents don’t cut it. If you cant empathise with the feelings of a child whose parents can’t afford, or be bothered to provide a present then I doubt that you’ll bother yourself about their breakfast
I made a serious point about charity, schools and teachers in disadvantaged areas, don’t take it seriously if that what suits you, but dont be sneering either.

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I seem to have a bad effect on you mate, sorry about that.
I don’t think I’m being condescending, just clarifying your concerns about children arriving hungry to school, that’s not a big issue, certainly not something that’s being ignored Stacy level, you want to make a song and dance about silly Christmas presents, nobody encourages it asks for them, a couple of years ago I set up a little collection for animal welfare and sent a note home, it was well supported but I still got a few little tokens, I guess the kids feel good about it,
If you want to rant about teachers I’ll take a right to reply on my personal experience

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No need to apologise. You sound like a sanctimonious prick, but that’s your problem. And thanks for informing me based on your personal experience- the presents you get are silly 2 euro unused tokens and kids are getting breakfast on a statewide basis…as far as your personal experience goes at least.

you’re not a teacher right?

You’re telling him how you’d do a better job running the schools, despite having no background in education? How you’d be better at dealing with Christmas presents?

And you’re accusing him of being sanctimonious?

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I’ve a H Dip Ed and 17 years in grammars, and comprehensives


You obviously have unresolved problems with the profession.


He had honour and could not live with the shame of being a teacher anymore.

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things must be very bad in Her Majesty’s education system

Wise up. I raised a fair point about parents and students feeling under pressure to buy presents for teachers. I also made the point that some schools/pupils are at a disadvantage and suggested some measures that could be taken to improve the situation. It seems to have upset a few lads.

If you take on one of the TFK Sisters of Mercy, you take them all on.


You could have made the points without being a knobhead about it.
This is what you actually said.

Did you not get any nice presents when you were a teacher? Is that your problem?

Says yer man who has a Limerick man in his avatar as part of a coordinated online effort of Galway posters :smiley: :smiley:

It took you 17 years to finish grammar and comprehensive school?

I stand by what I said. It’s distasteful.

it’s distasteful that your kid may want to give a token of gratitude to the person who spends as much time with them as you do throughout the week? Who you’ve entrusted to educate your child so you don’t have to.

I stand by what I said, the teaching system in the North must be absolutely rotten based on the bitterness of the posters on here

It’s distasteful that a lot of kids come from homes where they cant afford presents, or where the parents dont bother. The child then feels left out or pressurised.
It’s also a moral hazard, it will inevitably lead to favoritism in some cases.

Quit pretending you’re too stupid to understand.

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you’re saying poverty is distasteful, in relative terms and then seem to be blaming teachers for it?