
What school is it? Just saw its presentation Carlow.

Presentation Carlow. It’s a mixed secondary school.

Woke puritanism is the new religion for the zealot with an inclination to persecute

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Who reported this? I suspect it wasn’t the school or teacher who went to the media. The students were probably informed that the school has a uniform policy for PE and the school informed students to follow said policy. The most rational assumption is a student/parent said it to the media and either the person who reported it or the journalist spun the pervy teacher story. Typical sensationalism. If a male teacher was a pervert would he tell them to stop wearing them? This is bollocks and has put the school in a tough position.


No, it is being reported exactly how it happened. The principal told the girls to stop wearing tight leggings and tight tops and not take off jumpers as it was distracting to the male teachers. He’s made a right fuck of this on both teachers and students.


Is it a male principal?

It is.

You know what happened here dont you?

Someone cracked a joke in the teachers room and it went down like a lead balloon

Jesus. And if it is as reported thats a massive fuck up. I was going on the lying media and social media going overboard.

That at least would be something. But no. Lots of schools have changed dress policy over years. They may not be happy seeing girls, or lads, wearing what they are, so introduce school crested track bottoms or whatever and just say ‘new dress code’ even tho it is more about what they are wearing and not thinking it’s appropriate. But this principal went on a solo run explaining it and blamed his male staff. Tullow did similar the week before and it’s thought he was following their lead. Except they didn’t call their staff paedos.

What a shit show

An easy fix

I’d say it’s more curates egg. The good schools which are either fee paying, or selective on either academic or locality grounds (houses in the catchment area for good state schools have a 25% premium), are as good as anything in Ireland. The bad schools are worse, far worse than the worst the Republic could even begin to contemplate.


I’m sure it never occurred to any young lassie or young lassie’s parents that anyone would notice her arse in her skin tight leggings. I’m certain that school girls dont flirt with their teachers, and I’m positive there isn’t a teacher working today that didn’t end up marrying one of his former students.


I’d agree

There are some schools in extremely deprived areas doing trojan work but you are generally right. The schools admissions process lends itself to that competition too where top performing state schools can be selective. You also still have the 11+ in parts of the country.

I don’t think it’s their arse that’s causing the problem.

What problem?

The problem with them wearing tight leggings.

Anyway the show is over now: