
thats the spirit, double down!

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How the hell would you enforce that ?what’s the barometer for being hungry ?

The child telling you he or she is constantly hungry would be my first guess.

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The journalist looks about 12.

There must have been an incident

This was out last week within the teachers around the area. Apparently the teachers are furious over it. even reading the comments online about how the teachers should be sacked and they are perverts. There was no complaints about teachers being inappropriate nor was there any complaints about the students and what they were wearing. It seems to be a case of the principal took it upon himself to communicate it this way and has completely landed his male teaching staff in the shit. Parents of the girls are also going mad over the body shaming part of it all too. A complete clusterfuck when all he had to do was introduce a uniform rule like many schools do.


and this is exactly why the teachers are furious. There was no incident. Nothing. Some are threatening defamation against the principal, but I’m not sure they could as no one was named, but the whole lot of them are being called paedos now over it.

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If they want some of that they should post on here.

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I know you’re messing, but it is probably the worst insult you could throw at a teacher. And the principal here has fucked his staff over big time.


The parents should cop themselves on and tell their daughters to dress appropriately.


They deserve it the dirty bastards, leering over young ones

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Maybe they should go the other way around it and encourage the students/parents to take so e kind of action . If those tweets are accurate, its certainly worth looking into.

That about covers it alright

Whats worth looking into?

After looking at the website and reading between the lines it looks like possibly some of the poor girls were growing out of their uniforms.

I’ve posted here before about the leggings young girls are wearing these days. Tight leggings and short tops. Then you’re called a pervert if you look. FFS.

Oh yes there is!

You’re a pervert

And you must be female…