
Demanding vaccines as priority now so they can get away on their summer holidays?


We should vaccinate teachers in late Aug/September.

By the time we get around to them in May - there is no upside, they will be off a few weeks after their second jab. We need them to contribute to the domestic economy this summer also.

Most important workers in the country. Sun resolves around them did you know

Looking back now I can see how unreasonable it was to ever expect teachers to mix with students.
If teaching is to have a future children need to be removed from the equation.


We got the weekly plan sent to us yesterday from the little ones teacher, I don’t know what universe the teacher is living but with 2 of us working I don’t know how we will fit in what has been sent on.

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Sure it’s like you paying a lad to paint your house and the next days a few tins of paint arrive with the instructions for you to do it yourself.


we got ours too. Massive volume of work a day for junior infants. It’ll have to be done.

are you sending yours to private school?

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Who pays for the teachers? The magical money tree?


the state. Poorly. Be thankful your child can read

Bizarre comment :smiley:

your one about the paint was equally bizarre.

And its not like you can leave them to get on with it themselves and a fucking zoom call as well once a week. Could they not have just extended the school term to make up for these weeks?

I’m glad of it to be honest. It was hard to fill the day for the small one. This gives a bit of focus to it. I understand your situation may be difficult with working hours. We can make it work.

Would employers be understanding and give a bit of leeway?

9am fucking zoom meeting this morning. Nice way to ease back in.

Both kids have full day of school work for the week but only two hours of interaction with teacher for the week. This is going to cause some strain.

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You mad? You actually expect teachers to work?

Well done on finding the time to post here so.

Terrific news. Schools can reopen

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I can see number 12 being purposely activated by one of my progeny to trigger 13