
Points 2, 3 & 7 are basically the same.

I am doing what teachers do and in the staff room for a cuppa.


same shit with us, had to print if off by subject, why not send one document - grrrrrrrrrr

Thanks for making me aware. Ive deducted marks for repetition.

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Christ. Imagine have 3 or 4 kids of school going age. No bedrooms permitted.

While most of that makes sense in a way, I’d say the author is a right weapon.


I am bollixed from it, it’s literally never ending, way more stressful than being in school,
And my missus was off today, she’s working three days this week :confounded:

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Tech support here for 3 different laptops & WFH myself. Hope to fuck this is only til start of February

The teachers will probably try stretch this out till the summer and then they will be on their summer holidays and the kids wont be back till september.

It’s great to have the kids beyond primary school age. Beginning to think there are very few in that category here (apart from @anon67715551 of course)

Have a secondary school pupil here.from noticing today the classes are full on like being in school. The primary one was along the lines of read a book for an hour and we’ll talk again on Wednesday


Yeah most secondary schools are running with the normal timetable except on Teams/Zoom or Google Classroom rather than in the actual classroom.

Seems to be allright. Only difference is he has lecture on and fucking tick tock playing on the phone at the same time

What way are you doing it?? Our fella recorded a three minute video of himself going through what was to be done and sent out two powerpoints he had made and two links. Much more than last time when it was just a list of work on a Sunday. He definitely didn’t have to do one thing today though. They send back a photo of their writing and Irish book later. Scanning through them might take half an hour to an hour. Handy work for a young lad with no kids.

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Be a grand time to be a P.E teacher.


Lads we are in a global pandemic. Our hospitals are at breaking point. If ye can’t stand the thought of imparting what little level of intelligence ye have on your kids you shouldn’t have come home drunk from the pub and impregnated the wife in the first place. This might be your moment to top the class by proxy albeit 30 odd years later.


Personally I think the schools should remain closed until after the Easter break. It is not safe for 1m people to be mobilised each morning and evening given levels of community transmission out there.

My circumstances are a bit different to usual. The class i teach are very widely mixed in terms of ability, I’m trying to set and mark work for them on an almost individual basis, I’ve had to call out to a couple of houses with bits and pieces that they need.
All done through Google Classroom/Gsuite which is a hell of a lot more awkward than face to face,
it’ll get easier but I’ve been flat out since 9 o clock and there’s plenty left to do.
This is shit.


Buzzin with Bez

Awww diddums.

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Why do the parents on here hate their kids?