

The salary scale when I checked there for teachers is now 38k-71k.

So I would pro rata, in line with a standard 40 hr week with 25 days annual leave that most workers in the private sector do.

A teachers salary would be 70-130k from the starting point to the end of the scale. That’s serious money for a person who may never have to sit another job interview from the age of 22-23.

Do you think a teacher’s job starts and ends with the kids arriving and going home?

You can’t bring the forklift home


Oh I’m sorry.

Are teachers the only job that might require some extra hours here and there?

No other job would ever demand that.

The pathetic levels of defence proffered up for teachers here is embarrassing.

Most jobs will have deadlines and targets to be met that may require extra unpaid hours.


You can.

Jaysus lads, how long are yee talking to this lad about teachers and knowing his heels are fully wedged in. Leave him off and get outside as @iron_mike says


You have a point that some teachers have never worked in the real world and are a bit entitled. Your entire argument falls down though when you said you can do all your own work for the day in an hour because you’re so efficient. What’s your own pro rata salary in that case? Even if you’re getting 500 a week that’s 100 an hour. Tasty enough conditions for that amount of work. As someone said if you organise things right you could probably have the summers off too.

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Bring your phones outside lads and we can continue.


A fella as effecient as you hardly has to do an extra few hours?

Teachers should be able to fit all their lessons into an hour.

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I come from a family of teachers old fella at 72 still tipping away part time, grandmother and a few aunts and uncles were as well. The eldest is just about finished his Masters in Education and is applying for jobs at the moment. He has a couple of interviews lined up over the next few weeks. I think the starting salary is around 32-34k. Since he was about 14 that’s all he wanted to do, I had zero interest in going that line but each to their own as they say.


Here kiddo
Would you not head down and give the lads a dig out putting out the fire in the mourners mountains. It looks serious

Look, I’m not really going to go tos anymore now, you’re an awful bore.

But your argument falls down on so many fronts, first you take as fact that a teacher has a 25 hour working week, this is just not true, depending on the time of year and various other factors I might work an additional 15 or 20 hours including weekends, some weeks it might be as little as 5.
In all the other jobs I worked you could take short breaks whenever you wanted, in resaluty your probably only doing your job half the time, you can’t do that in a classroom, I don’t have time to be tapping away on my phone all day for example, you can’t say the same, no matter how ‘productive’ I am I don’t get to rest until my official break time.
I don’t recall any teachers comparing it to working down the mines and it’d be a fool that would say the holidays aren’t attractive, but it’s not easy, it’s not for everybody, and it’s not well paid in comparison with most other professional jobs, I’ve said before that I earned more money selling tiles and driving the forklift 20 years ago while I was stoned out of my mind all day long, now that was an easy job.


Everyone has been taught by a teacher so everyone has an opinion on what teaching is and isn’t.

A friend told me this years ago and I think it explains why people constantly discuss teaching.


I have the greatest of respect for teachers and disagree with all of fulvio’s shite, but I’d demure slightly here. For a nine month job it’s relatively well paid, if you divide by 3 and multiply by four you can compare it more readily with a regular annual salary and it compares well enough I would say? And it should. It takes a lot to be a teacher and it’s one of the most important jobs in society and should be recognised as such. Younger teachers have of course been screwed though.


It’s a 9 month job for a reason. The students and teachers need a break from each other after 9 months I’d imagine. At least the kids move on. Thats the teachers life.

I’d much rather be sending my child to a happy, content teacher than someone who is underpaid and overworked. They have children for nearly more time than most parents have them.

If you paid a 9 month salary I’d say youd only get whack jobs doing it


It is a nine month salary, that’s my point. It’s a nine month job by definition, you can’t keep children in school year round, nor should you. Teacher’s salaries are based on it being a nine month job, it’s just paid over the course of 12 months to make it easier for people to manage.

Is it not a 10 month job for every Primary School Teacher? They’re only closed July & August, not June, July, August.

9 months for Secondary Schools alright but by fuck they earn their extra month.

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I’m one of those younger teachers in all but age, I’ve taken a pay cut by going into this career, I could tile a kitchen in a day and earn what I earn in a week now, but the job gives me satisfaction and it allows me to have valuable family time all year round, when the kids are off I’m off. It’s a great job with great perks but it isn’t an easy job and I don’t believe it’s very well paid


Would you rather the perks or the money?