
Thought teachers in the job 20 years would be in mid to late €60s and principals would be up near €80k all in but I’m guessing too

Maybe they would. More than I thought. Hard to get a full time gig though

I’d say 55k. Any teacher I know that had a side gig was usually pretty good at their main teaching job.

There was juicy coin to be made in doing Applied maths classes. Most students there were already decent at maths or physics so were preaching to the converted but lad I went to was in the middle of writing a specific Applied Maths book while teaching us so getting paid for class and book essentially at the same time,

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Not really, it would get a bit stale if you stayed in the one area, but if you get a reputation as a good infant teacher the principal would likely try to hold you there,

To answer a couple more, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy , I’ve had lots of jobs, I’ve done hard manual labour, worked in shops and worked with my hands, but now that I’ve spent my time and money qualifying in something I love but which is not easy, I’m not going to apply for a job as a landscaper, that would be silly.
And, I don’t do it for the money, from what I’ve gathered about TFK I’d be surprised if I wasn’t in the last 5%!of earners, nobody questions the money an accountant or IT specialist makes on account of how ‘hard’ their job is?


You moved from all those jobs into teaching and haven’t changed path since. Does that tell you something?

I just posted up Tomas O’Se’s words there. They were an honest insight into why most really choose teaching as a profession - the hours and summers off with a very decent pay without having to sit another interview in their life again.

It’s effectively a part time job which is extremely well paid when the actual hours worked is looked at.

On a side point, I think primary school teachers are criminally overpaid in relation to secondary school teachers. There would be far more stress involved in secondary school, dealing with moody teachers, state exams, tougher content to teach etc. The hours probably even out. Primary school teaching is the softest gig going.

Whats the average pay for primary and secondary teachers? How much of a difference are we looking at for entry level teachers?

The avg salary for accountant outside of Dublin is 45-60k according to a quick Google search there.

According to a quick Google search there, a primary school teacher is on 45k after 8 yrs service (witch about 3/4 months of the year with annual leave. An accountant probably had to sit professional exams in their 20s for a number of years while working a full time 40hr job. Their job security is far less and they no do have the same pension benefits etc.

Teachers are paid way over what they are worth.

Not sure.

One goes from 37k to 71k in 27 years.

How many graduate jobs start at 37k per year for 25 hrs work and 3-4 months off?

I’ve done this before but when you pro rata a teachers salary to standard working hours and leave entitlements in your ordinary private sector job then the money is collosal and once a teacher is made permanent they have no stresses over their job performance or results.

The main reason people do teaching is the hours and summers off.


You must be flat to the mat at work all day in comparison are you?
I don’t know where you get the time for the hundreds of posts about the vaccine roll out every week and building graphs and doing your sums



We’re not all useless like you Dan.

Sure pal. You’re flat to the mat in your job and posting on here all day every day. You’re just more effecient than everyone. I’m sure that’s it


Yes. I could get done in about half an hour than you could accomplish in a full day of work.

Some weather out there lads. Jayses twould be a great day for a match


Course you could pal. You’re a horse and cart of a man. You should overhaul the education system in the next bit of down time you get

I bring with me a wealth of knowledge.

People come to me with a problem and I issue a solution in an expedient manner. I’m paid for my knowledge, maybe you are paid for your time.

By God you’re a mighty man altogether. I’d say you have a lovely shiny car too and the most luxurious head of hair on the site… A mighty man

If you did a full day’s work you could take the summer off for yourself altogether


Fair point well argued. Hard to disagree with hard facts like that.


He should pay you for that expedient advice
