

No need to get confrontational and angry when I call you out for playing the poor mouth with fantasy tales.

You are a teacher, your pay scale is published and you’re talking out your arse.

Do you try and intimidate your pupils in the same manner when they question you?

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We cut down to one car, and saved a mortgage a month on childcare and are guaranteed the child is getting looked after

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You’re a nasty piece of shit


That makes total sense pal.


It’s arrogance of the highest order.

Him crying about earning 45k a year for a part time job when you have two couples working minimum wage on zero hour contracts trying to raise a family.

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If @Rocko was any good he’d design an e-creche here where we can drop the kids off to while we post.



You’re the one personalising this.

Stop being such an arsehole.

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We’re all worse really for bothering. He has no idea what’s involved in teaching, why it’s an important job and he has no idea about children or their needs.


Just saying, that’s the way it is…in the north anyhows. If a sub works 195 days he’ll get paid the same as he would on a year’s salary

If you’re talking about nasty pieces of shit then it’s not me here.

You have an arrogantly tosser playing the poor mouth about earning double (in a part time job) what a person in a full time minimum wage job earns for.

That’s the teacher salary scale.

If he is in the job 10 years then he is on about 45k a year.

50/52 = 961 pw.

He reckons he could get that for a day tiling.

That’s fine but he’s self employed if he does. He has a whole lot of outlay and risk if he does:

It’s tough work physically
He has no sick pay benefits
No holiday benefits
No annual leave benefits
He’s on the hook for liabilities if there’s an accident
He has to get insurance for himself, his vehicles and his tools
He has to take charge of his tax affairs
He might have to take people on
He runs the risk of being left out of pocket and not being paid
Work could try up and there is no security in his pay.

So he’s clearly spinning bullshit and I think you can clarify how vicious and nasty he got when I merely took his point, showed the inconsistencies and lies he was spinning.

So who’s the bastard here. They guy (me) who points out facts or the guy who spins bullshit and gets nasty when it’s pointed out to him.

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Get a fucking life you sad cunt


How am I personalising it.

He told us he earned more tiling a kitchen in a day than he would as a teacher in a week.

I called that out as bullshit, substantiated why it was bullshit and he got nasty, very personal and threw a lot of insults my way.

It’s very childish of him. He wants to have his cake and eat it, like teachers generally do.

He’s a self-righteous wanker and he owes me a fucking apology.


Go and fuck yourself you cowarldy cunt.

I’ve got the facts here. You’re just a little guttersnipe who makes the digs but when runs away when you have to stand behind them.


What an arrogant tosspot.

“Don’t you dare question my bullshit”

Unfortunately your payscale is public knowledge so think about that again when you want to go bullshitting and playing the poormouth.


How poorly is @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy paid if he thinks that payscale is attractive.

Fuck me that’s one of the most depressing things I’ve ever seen


I could very easily earn a weeks wages for a days tiling,
Why don’t you go and research what a tiler earns as well (accompanied by a 2000 word essay) as you’ve little else to be doing obviously.
Mr Angry, asking a load of personal questions and then saying everything is bullshit :sweat_smile:, you’d have to wonder why somebody would bother?


What course did you do originally before going back to study for teaching? Not easy to go back after earning good wages and do what was presumably a 2 years unpaid masters to attain the teaching degree.

My wife was working full time and earning well, we had 4 small children so I looked after the hone while I was studying that time, probably saved us money, most of my work was done in the evenings


So you could earn 965 quid a day tiling.

Do many people companies employ a tradesmen on 250k a year? Anyone who makes any money in construction works for themselves which is very risky and unsecure living though it can be lucrative if it works out well for them. It’s more likely you are referring to being a sole trader which takes on the following risks:

It’s tough work physically
He has no sick pay benefits
No holiday benefits
No annual leave benefits
He’s on the hook for liabilities if there’s an accident
He has to get insurance for himself, his vehicles and his tools
He has to take charge of his tax affairs
He might have to take people on
He runs the risk of being left out of pocket and not being paid
Work could try up and there is no security in his pay.

Sure haven’t you the summer off to earn your weekly wage in a day in any case?