
Who hurt you?

Liverpool match about to start. I even have a few beers for it and the house to myself


I hope they lose you contented cunt

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This is Mr Angry when I had the termerity to point out that your payscale is publicly available when you claimed you could earn more a day in tiling that you could at work.

If you were employed by a tiler to do a kitchen a day and paid a daily rate of your teacher salary, you could earn about 220k a year if you worked the standard private sector job with 5 weeks of leave. But that doesn’t happen. Only self-employed trades people earn that money and have lots of risks involved in doing so as well as much more.

When reality is put to you and you are exposed as a self-pitying fool then you get hostile and turn into Mr Angry. You decided to personalise it when you made up bullshit claims you could earn a week’s wage in a day, tiling. The you tried to play the victim and threaten the person who called it out as bullshit with publicly available knowledge.

For the amount of work that is done, it is attractive.

There’s a type of sneeriness to your post there though. The fact that you are trying to goad me by claiming I earn a poor living displays all the hallmarks of a cunt and that is exactly what you are. I really pity your wife and kids.


1-0 up . Salah

You are sneering at a man and his profession all morning. Not nice is it, you hypocrite

You dont feel sorry for anybody you odd cunt


I’m pointing out they are overpaid and underworked. I’m pointing out that they regularly hold the country to ransom. I don’t see to many of those teachers handing in their resignation and going to do something different. I’ve changed jobs many times in my life because I was unhappy at the hours/pay/conditions. I didn’t go and hold the company to ransom and demand they meet my conditions. I left and found a job that suited me better - that same option is open to teachers but I think many of them realise they won’t beat what they have on offer but still try and bully their way through to holding the taxpayer to ransom for more.

We saw there an insight to your mind, that superiority complex you have, so if I do earn a poor wage the fact that you saw that as a reason to goad me show the type of cunt you are. I really, really pity your wide for having to live with you and your kids for having an absolute cunt of a father to rear them. Would you bring them on a Sunday to go and laugh at the zero hour, minimum wage workers stacking shelves?


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Would you ever go away and get a life for yourself you auld cratur


Here you are getting all uppity and moralising, you self-righteous cunt.

Now when it’s pointed out to you that you are in fact a reprehensible, sneering classist wanker you try to pretend it’s all a big joke.

The mask has slipped, I pity your wife and kids to have such an unredeeming wanker influencing their everyday life.

@Rocko can you temporarily lock the thread so lads can go get some vitamin D??


People can still get their vitamin D while activating TFK.

Take a break kid.

I have a lot of respect for teachers but I think it’s hard to argue that they are not well paid

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Are you prepared to discuss your own job and salary as comparison?
The other chap doesn’t want to do that

I have 25 days annual leave and work a 37.5 work week.

So in effect I work about 85 more days a year than a teacher and around 3,000 extra hours.

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No one cares.

My salary is probably higher than the average for teachers but teachers get double or triple at least depending on primary or secondary what I get as annual leave which is a more than fair trade off.

You talk about making more money as a tiler 20 years ago. What hours did you work, how much annual leave did you have, would you have lost your job when the recession hit? How much have you saved on childcare by being off for 2 months every summer?

I think teachers should be highly paid to get the right people in as it is a very important role in society. However, I think it’s also clear that it is a fairly well paid job which can give you a great lifestyle which not many other jobs can.


Aren’t you a useless public servant who steals vaccines?

I can see why you on the side of the debate you are.

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His salary to be a tiler would have to have been around 220k a year to be earning in a day what he does in a week as a teacher.

Presumably that would be self-employed and that’s a very perilous position that has lots of outgoings so you’d be doing extremely well to be coming away with half of that with loads of risks.