
It’s a decent wage because it’s a very important job…


That’s my point

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Nursing must not be an important job so.

And it’s far more than a decent wage.

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Others can’t see that.

Personalising things again.

Look, this is clearly an obsession for you. I’d say it’s unhealthy but there is probably a reason for this this kind of repetitive, obsessive stuff, so I’m going to try to leave you off with it. I’d suggest to other posters not to take it at face value either.


You didn’t say what you do for a living?
I didn’t enjoy working as a tiler, but the hours were whatever I wanted, I could take in jobs as I pleased, had a relationship with a tile shop that I had worked in and they would send me business, some jobs were shitty, you could be most of the day doing a bathroom floor or a kitchen wall for 100 pounds, or you could get a handy wide open kitchen floor and make a grand for it.
Anyone who thinks I earn 900 a week now is a very long time way off

If you want to take me pointing out your hypocrisy of asking for people who took vaccines to resign when you haven’t done so yourself then that’s not my problem. You created that situation for yourself when you went on a crusade then let it slip on here that you were actually also a vaccine thief.

I’ve already said I didn’t skip any queue.

Again, personalising things.

Can I ask, do you any satisfaction from your hundreds of posts on this thread?

Are ye all set lads


OK Mike, you’ve made your point now many many times, is that any more worthwhile than taking part in the conversation

Your gross salary has to be in and around 900 a week. You have been teaching for 4 or 5 years anyway so you are not being truthful here anyway. Your salary scale is public so the bullshit won’t work.

You have security of pay as a tiler, no sick leave benefits, no annual leave benefits, you had no pensionable benefits. You were on the hook for your tax affairs, you were on the hook for any accidents. You would have to had paid probably an accountant/bookkeeper or do it yourself, you would had to have paid for your tools, insurance and materials. You would have been reliant on the work being there, you would have had to run the risk of not being paid and had serious cashflow problems.

I wouldn’t dream of going self employed for the stress and lack of security over income and benefits for holidays pay, in the event of an accident or illness etc.

You are desperately attempting to conflate things here.

For what end though?

I was teaching a night course in IT about ten years ago. One of the students was an auld lad in his 50s, who drove down from Athlone 2 nights a week. He was a primary school principal and he said he couldn’t deal with the cunts of students any more, said they had become unmanageable in the past ten years. I was gutted for him as I knew he was fucked for a career in IT at that age.


You may not make 900 a week yet but you will in your 8th year going by the salary scale I found. I’m not sure why you want to know what I do for a living.

As I said I have a lot of respect for teacher and think their salary is fair but when you take everything into account they are well paid.

I used to think i’d love to be a teacher but now i thank god i did’nt go into it. Awful job.

You did. Otherwise you fall into one of these categories.

You don’t. You went on a moral crusade demanding resignations for people skipping the vaccine queue and then went and did the same yourself. You are the most morally empty person on here, demanding other to make sacrifices that you wouldn’t even dare think of yourself.


Avoiding the point and personalising things again.

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Tell you what now kid. Stop snapping at me because you’re, letting yourself get rattled by a wum. If you dont like the post don’t read it and as you see it as irrelevant, dont comment on it.

They skip point 4 and 8 on that salary scale I think so that means after 6 years they will be on 881 gross a week.

Why he is trying to argue against his salary scale which is publicly available I don’t know.

I think it’s relevant if you believe that i am overpaid and you want a response.

I didn’t say you were overpaid, I said teachers were well paid