
They exist in Cork and Limerick yeah. Pressure is all relative, think I’d prefer some manager giving me grief for targets over 30 teenagers running riot every day. I’d find that more stressful anyway.

About 500 hundred posts of the same points over and over and over again. Honestly, do you get satisfaction from it?


The difference is the pressure of your manager giving you grief everyday is you being 4 weeks away from looking for a new job which if you have a mortgage or rent to pay is bound to be a lot more stressful.


I think anyone who actually digs in and argues these facts needs a good shake and are clearly incapable of being objective.

Fair enough.

It’s extremely obsessive behaviour. If you get satisfaction from it then good for you.

Thanks mate.

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On the other hand if you’re teaching in a traditional high achieving school you have the pressure of results, and I’d say you’re underestimating hoe difficult many ‘well off’ kids can be, but this isn’t my field of expertise.

Different pressure I suppose, I think I’d chose the disadvantaged school given the choice


Fair play to you for the honesty, other teachers on here would have us believe that they don’t get in the door until six.


You should get a lad in to tile your kitchen it will give you a fair awakening as to what he could be earning

Where’s this from sport?

Shur all I do is drive the country all week, meeting lads from tfk and get paid a shed load of money to do it

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You woukdnt be posting the same scuttter on TFK all day every day if you were self employed anyway.

Only with absolute ignoramuses pal. I don’t know anyone who has anything other than the height of respect for the teaching profession and what good dedicated teachers bring to our kids lives.


@backinatracksuit , do you tip away at a bit of tiling over the summer holidays or weekends? I’d image you’d clean up doing small jobs.

You are beyond contempt in your grubby denounciation of educators of our children teachers are the bedrock of all we learned as children and are underpaid considering their contribution to society.

You should have had the guts to address me on your main account.

I said it earlier you are beyond contempt

You slightly skewer your point here.

As we’re on the subject of teaching.

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