
Could you genuinely earn 1000 a day tiling? :flushed::flushed::flushed:
That’s an awful lot, and, if so, a reflection of why Ireland will eventually run into trouble like before.

As an aside, I have a pal who is a fully private surgeon in Ireland. He told me that taking into account insurance, costs, holidays etc, he reckoned he needed to earn about two and a half times the HSE public sector consultant salary to be equivalent.

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I’m alright jack

Are you happy with yourself now. Causing trouble . You should be ashamed of yourself, on the Sabbath an all.

There are plenty of nurses who wouldn’t work to warm themselves. It’s the same in most any public sector job. Teaching should be done by the best teachers society can provide. I think in Ireland the salary is relatively very good (salaries in Ireland are very high almost across the board, so to speak), but teaching should be excellent and the pay should reflect this.

Why should it be excellent when there is no accountability. The issue with teaching as Tomas O’Se put it - that most people do it for the hours and unbelievable leave.

That doesn’t attract the best teachers. It attracts people who want to do the least work.

A teachers salary should run from 25k-40k, I’d stick 10k each side of it for a teacher in Dublin. That’s still excellent pay for what in effect is a part time job.

“It’s a tough job.” “It’s an important job”

Anyone can frame an argument for their own job I’m sure in the same way so we need to stop pretending teachers are unique there when they spin that one as they defend their unrivalled perks and massive pay (as they hold the country to ransom looking for more).

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Aaaaaaaaand back to where we were yesterday.

Expect another 50 posts repeating the same things today.


I don’t see why you are so rattled by it and want to censor me speaking the truth about teachers and their sense of entitlement. They should be extremely grateful for the unbelievable perks and pay most other professions could only dream of.

Over and over and over again.

Look how many posts you have in this thread repeating the same thing. You’re winding up for another day of it now.

Maybe try break the cycle?

You seem very adamant to silence me. I don’t know why you are so bothered by this?

I’m sure glas is very demure

Sorry but You’re over egging the pudding here pal… there’s plenty of teachers in one wage families getting it done …

I don’t want to go all Pee Flynn here

A wife and 4 kids, a middling mortgage, a Holiday (even in Ireland), Christmas expenses, car tax and insurance, essential household maintenance, weekly shopping, medical expenses,
And all that on a little over 650 a week, not much of a life I’d say. Would my wife be entitled to for? I know we’d have children’s allowance, what else?
I’m not playing the poor mouth, I’d do it for half the money because that’s not a worry I have thankfully.

I seem to have upset a few people with my daily tiling rate, I never suggested for a second that anybody could do that everyday, sometimes you’d get lucky with a nice job and easily earn a thousand a day, most days wouldn’t be anything like that but would far outstrip what I earn in the classroom

There’s lads pulling in a grand a day in consultancy and all they do is show up and tell the company everything they’re doing is wrong and they need more consultancy

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Is that 650 net a week?

Very good pal of mine works as a plasterer, he told me he wouldn’t work for less than 200 a day and makes 300 a day more usually.

Does a bit of work for cash, reckons he has a handle on concealing that.

early thirties, his shoulders are fucked though.

Great living to be made as a good tradesman, very hard work though.

This lad has a younger brother, hurls underage with Limerick, would love to do PE in UL…his father has him told there is ‘no real money in it’.

Nice semi d family home in an estate on the south circular in limerick is 350k plus. Teaching is imo, a hood living but ya won’t get rich at it.

Anyway, my point is I agree, I wouldn’t fancy servicing a biggish mortgage and living w 3 or 4 kids on a teaching salary alone.

I may be mistaken but do you not also own a rental house?

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There’s not many jobs that will cover you for 4 kids and a mortgage on one salary.

I have two separate points to conclude. I think teachers have a very important role in society and deserve to be well paid for that. I think most people here including myself will have had a few teachers at least who had a positive impact on their childhood.

I also separately think that the poor mouth being played by @backinatracksuit is ridiculous on a job which actually has a decent starting salary as entry jobs go (I realise young teachers get shafted) and increases every year from there.


point is the reason tradesmen charge so much is because the work can dry up for large periods .with A teachers salary you know what’s coming over a lifetime and can cut your cloth accordingly…over a lifetime you’ll probably end up richer than a lot of tradesmen who are in and out of work …I have massive respect for teachers and what they do but I don’t buy the poor mouth stuff a lot of them go on with …


He hasn’t played the poor mouth has he. He said he could have earned far more doing something else.

That other bitter bastard is ridiculing his profession and his earnings ad nauseam