
I think teachers get paid around a fair wage for a hugely important hugely responsible job but get too many holidays and could be put to productive use for at least some of them.
One point that hasn’t been made though is that their starting salary is relatively high because from day 1 they are thrown in at the deep end doing the same job as someone in it 30 years with all the responsibility. A lot of others like nurses accountants etc would be training, shadowing others, working as part of a team for the start of their career.


Go off and brag to someone else about how rich you are.

Is this unique to teachers?

Change the language pal…some simply just questioned it more than jumped …have a good day :+1:

Seriously, would you ever stop with the childish name-calling.

It’s not good debating.

You’ll have to learn that sometimes people are just making points to contribute to a discussion. It’s not always a big argument or debate. Most of us don’t have the time and have better things to be at

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That was tongue in cheek

It seems amongst everything else you are devoid of a sense of humour too.

I put my shoulder to the wheel every day to provide for my family, muck, like everyone else.

Cue some inane attempt at a hurtful comment

I’ll call a guy who feels it’s proper to brag about how rich he is and goad poorly paid workers a wanker because that’s exactly the behaviour of a wanker.

Got a problem with that?

It was the mask slipping. It’s all you had in your arsenal. I pity your wife and kids.

Can @backinatracksuit clarify two things.

a) Whether the 650 he earns a week is before tax
b) Whether the 650 he claims to have been able to earn a day as a tiler is before or after tax and whether it was an employee or self-employed

What do you do and how much do you earn?

OK, some people definitely suggested I was playing the poor mouth and demeaning low earners.
You need to be very careful here sometimes, I was recently repeatedly accused of ‘mocking ‘ children with autism when I suggested that some of them can be violent,
It was a hypothetical point, I genuinely feel I’d struggle with that wage and the responsibilities I laid out, I don’t think I’d have much of a life


I thought you were fucking off.

What business is it of yours what I earn. I have more humility than to brag how rich I am or to play the poor mouth. I have a job and it gets me by financially but I don’t know if my job will be here in 6 months time, like the majority of private sector workers.

Can you clarify the below:

Thought so.

Enjoy the day whatever way you can fella.

Run along shitebag. It’s what you do.

Try it. Its great

What you watching there Mike?

80s music
Dennis Waterman. It’s my Sunday tradition. Peel the spuds and the veg for the dinner, 80s tunes and a couple of glasses of red. Sets me up for the day so it does.

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Thought it was Denis Waterman alright. Thought you might have been catching up on some “Minder”

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