
You’re out of order.


Putting components in a box is as important as educating children now is it?

And you’re demeaning other people’s jobs.

I have said teachers are extremely well paid, hugely overpaid in my view for the work they do.

The damaging thing is that lots of people get into teaching for the sole reason of the low hours and huge leave entitlements on offer and nothing to do with their skills, suitability or interest in the profession.

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Seriously… All weekend spent on this? Get a fucking life.


I’m not. Teaching is more important to society than a lot of jobs.

Simple fact.

Its hugely important. Especially in less well off areas

A good teacher can put kids with little or no opportunity on the right track.


Fuck up you

I don’t know about this particular corner of the internet but in the real world there’s plenty in your position and living a great life.it goes back to my original point about the lifetime of something …you could earn a big wage but have a big mortgage etc. There’s so many factors beyond what you get paid every week.


I’m not an arrogant tosspot like you who goes around telling people their job is not important.

I think teachers are overpaid for the work and hours they do. It’s hard to debate that fact.

They earn more than the average industrial wage for 42 years out of a 45 year career that requires 3,000 hours less work per annum than your standard full time employee. That’s overpaid - whatever about the importance of a job.

Anyone can state a case for how important or hard their job is, I don’t feel why you think teachers should have a monopoly on those claims.


It’s no bother. He’s sore about something and lashing out.

He’s about as menacing as a gummy poodle

In your view.

But you’re an arrogant asshole who shows contempt for low paid workers.

And there in lies the secret. It doesn’t matter what you bring in. It’s what your shedding out. I know plenty of lads who earn shed loads of money but are scraping by because there outgoings are too high. Theres also plenty out there on average wages who probably have a better quality of life because their outgoings are minimal.

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Yòure enjoying this you sadistic cunt

I don’t think he can actually help it, as I said previously I don’t think anyone should take his posting on this thread at face value.

What you usually find out in life is that the lads who boast about how much they earn and how rich they are usually don’t have a pot to piss in - that’s the likes of @EstebanSexface here.

The guys who claim they are scraping by and play the poormouth like @backinatracksuit are usually extremely well off.

He had some very bad teachers.

I’m out.

@backinatracksuit and all the teachers on here.

Thanks for educating our kids and keep doing a great job.

If ever ye feel the need to strike for better conditions for new teachers or more pay, I’ll support the picket all day with you.

Ye do a very important job and are appreciated



Fuck off you wanker. Your offerings certainly won’t be missed.

Indeed, as i said, it was a completely hypothetical point that I made that was jumped on by a good few posters, I never played the poor mouth,
I’ll never make principal, i never want to

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I hope whatever is hurting you goes away pal. Have a nice day


Happy sabbath lads