
I could be a few minutes looking it up, better ask someone acquainted with the topic.

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Would I be right in thinking there are fewer holidays in the UK and NI as well compared to the South?

You started the weekend trying to wind up trackie. And sunny Sunday afternoon here you are clattering the letters on the phone seething to high heaven


No, forklift drivers be the same

You would.

Interesting that Trackie still refuses to clarify this.

Looks like he was bullshitting us.

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So UK teachers are significantly lower paid and have fewer holidays you say? Presumably this then means pupil achievements would be far lower than in Ireland due to the poorer quality of candidate they must be able to attract to the teaching profession?

You’d imagine so.

Teachers in Ireland seem to always feel like they are terribly treated. I just find it amazing how few of them up and leave with all the threatening, posturing and moaning they do about their work.

It’s almost like they know they wouldn’t get it elsewhere.

It’s also interesting that I’ve offered substantive information, figures and real life scenarios and have been met with outright hostility from the pro teacher crew. Teachers do not like their privileges being challenged or questioned.

Poor teachers.

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The north finished one spot ahead I think for primary education levels in a world ranking… The north fall off a cliff at second level tho and the south way outperform them.


I think that is a report recently released that included NI students for the younger age but not the older. The PISA results had Ireland well ahead of the UK with reading but behind on science and maths.

It has been a very unusual weekend for me on here, you just never know who you’re dealing with among the anonymous posters here, behaviour that would lead to a lot of questions in the real world. There must be a great story to be told about the hatred of the teaching profession.


The victim mentality of teachers would make a great Louis Theroux documentary.

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Trying to goad a poster on here over what they earn and what way that income covers their family life and current circumstances is shithousery of the highest order. Self employed people can earn far more than what a teacher earns, even if it comes with risks and obstacles. But they have that opportunity to grow their business and increase income. Teachers can’t do that. Self employed people could also lose their job and money by circumstances outside of their control and there is no certainty. Teachers are relatively certain of their income long term. There are pros and cons each way. No ones personal circumstances can be applied to everyone.


Look, my comment about potential earnings as a tiler was off the cuff and the numbers I quoted would have been for the very best days work I’d have got, I didn’t expect such scrutiny, if @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy requires anymore information I will be happy to supply it via PM, but I have answered enough of his questions already.
I could just as easily have mentioned my summer in NYworking for a Mafia man in construction, hard work for $150 a day into the paw.
But I’m not typical of my profession, I know that

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But a Tradesman with a good business couldn’t get a Mortgage mate. :man_shrugging:

There are trade offs in all career choices.i could earn more in the private sector, I have job security in the civil service. Everyone (in principle) has the same options starting out.

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Listen. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

Self employed tradesmen will find it much more difficult to get a mortgage than a person earning the same in a steady job.

You don’t seem to have any real life experience by your contributions on here.


Could you?

Doing what?

I’m not sure why you wouldn’t believe that tho. I changed my mortgage last year, the loan to value was way under 50% so not a huge value in scheme of things and my wife has a secure permanent job. I’m self employed but earn a good chunk more, but even though we had agreement in principle last February, the bank put it on hold and made me go through a mountain of shit because of Covid and that I was self employed. It only got processed at the end of January this year then. Being self employed and going for a mortgage is not as straight forward as being a paye worker.


But it’s hardly a fair comparison if you are comparing your best possible day against a guaranteed wage.

And if you’re making comparisons then you need to make valid ones. Before tax vs before tax or after tax vs after tax. Otherwise you are conflating things and not giving an accurate picture.

Apologies if you took it personally but any public sector work has their salary scale public and it didn’t stack up with your claims which I think are wildly inaccurate.

I won’t be apologising to that wanker Esteban though.