
Bullshit. What are they going to pay it off with?

Out of your arse.

Sure tis no issue if its declared and in your year end accounts so


You’re telling me banks don’t look at your earnings if they are sporadic?

300 posts read. My conclusion

  1. Teachers live rent free in lads heads (does BIK get charged to that)

  2. Teachers do a lot of work I wouldnt do or be capable of

  3. Teachers bashing has gone too far. I enjoy a good low hanging fruit attack on civil servants but this is far beyond a ball hop.

D. I wish I had that time back


He was going so well until you ruined it for him. :smile:

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The underpant sniffer has found a new pair of jocks.

I’m telling you vast majority of self employed pay themselves a regular monthly salary from their company.

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Have you developed a stutter, mate?

And I’m sure for self employed tradesman that basic monthly salary is on the prudent side.

A new angle again here


Of what they declare they pay themselves the going rate.

Its the easiest tax efficient way to fo it by the books

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The goal posts don’t stay still for very long.

Your salary dictates how much you can borrow so you are being extremely disingenuous here.

Christ, I’m feeling very guilty here. Is it a bad thing to be happy with your lot?


As I was tagged a few times, just to end any discussion on my own part, @Crutches yes, mortgage did come thru. As you said, Covid being the main issue for it coupled with being self employed. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy it was a pain in the bollix, but nothing insurmountable. Being self employed was a factor, but it got resolved. @carryharry being self employed does make a difference for mortgage applications. It definitely makes it harder with more forms and shit. I can’t say people would be refused, but it wouldn’t surprise me. But many standard employed people also get refused.

From my own perspective, the type of self employment makes a difference as others have been highlighting. I’ve since changed from a sole trader to limited company. Hard to know if this would have made a difference at the time, but I’d suspect so as I’m now considered paye, which would make it simpler.

If nothing else, I’m more pissed off I bothered commenting on this absolute car crash of a thread. Dungeon, quickly.


Anybody mentioned the “cash in hand” jobs the self employed do yet?

No @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy didn’t mention that ‘benefit’

He did mention cash jobs they do but reckoned they go through the books. They just get paid in cash :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:



Everytime I look on here this Teachers thread has addd a 100 or more posts. After the first couple of hundred it seems pretty repetitive stuff and I’ve stayed out of it mostly. Just wondered a wee bit.

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