
Fuck off :smiley:

Exactly, only their earnings which can be sporadic.

99% of people only ever get a mortgage based on their income and giving the bank security over their house. You’re waffling

The point seems to have gone over your head.

Self-employed tradesmen may not have a stable payslip. They may have certain points in the year where they do well, they may receive some payments in cash, their income may be erratic and that may raise flags when it comes to the bank lending them money and what they may perceive as a risk of them missing payments.

Or do you think self-employed people find getting mortgages every bit as straightforward as someone on a salary?

I know loads of tradesmen and every single one of them owns their own home*

Most of the lads still renting are in multinationals

*the bank does (in most cases)

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Most self employed people pay themselves a salary. There is a fundamental misunderstanding here.


How do you know that?

When did they build or buy their homes? What does the wife/partner work at?

Tou haven’t earned the right to ask questions until you apologise

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Again, how do you know this?

In the case of self-employed tradesmen I would severly doubt they pay themselves a salary, they probably decide it at the end of the year. Maybe some of the accountants can confirm.

I don’t apologise to wankers like you and I have nothing to apologise for. If you don’t want to answer a straightforward question that undermines your case.

I dont answer to weirdos on the internet



Then fuck off and stop talking out of your arse.

How many times have you said you leaving this thread today and everytime you’re back.


No. For a man who lives and dies on pedantry and being so precise you need to own your language

Now your saying people who commit tax fraud struggle to get a mortgage. I’d agree with that

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I don’t know many farmers renting a house either

They pay themselves a salary from their company

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Every single one of them and dividends.

A mortgage is secured against credit ratings, savings and loan to value same as anybody that goes in.

Nature of employment doesnt really matter as much as those things

Receiving payments in cash is no issue as long as you declare it.

Of course they do but that salary may not be decided until year end and may not be in the form of a stable paycheck.