
Thanks Glas. The question was for a fella who personally values mathematical intelligence above all others.

Think you’ve got a bit in over your head here.

You won’t be badgering me for a reply as you dug a hole for yourself and can’t address it now. :rofl:

That’s the problem when you inflate your own intelligence. You’re not boxed into to an idiotic point you’re scared of addressing

My very first post:

Point 1: Primary school teaching, not secondary
Point 2: Entry requirements - entry requirements are based on your academic results in your school exams

So the question for you is what academic subjects test high levels of being able to engage, stimulate, manage and challenge?

If you have got in over your head here then just be man enough to admit it. I will take your refusal to address this as an admission of such.

you could argue the same point for a whole range of professions and how does the academic learning in school bring forward to what they do in college. Take your civil engineering, you need to be reasonably competent in maths, physics too, but what other subjects to get the points level have anything to do with what they do in college? Why have points at all? Everyone does a load of subjects to get them points to get into college and never do any of those subjects ever again.

Why does any college course have higher points than other college courses? Why do the same courses in different colleges have varying levels of entry points?

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But the difference is teaching has 3 months annual leave and all the other perks listed.

For certain courses you do need very relevant academic performances, I don’t think that is true with primary school teaching.

Plenty of people will do commerce, accountancy, physics, engineering and then decide it’s not for them - a lot of teachers are there for the 3 months off and will stick it out because no other job offers it.

I don’t think in terms of academic intelligence primary school teaching requires the same level as things like medicine, engineerin and various scientific and mathematical course but the entry requirements are up there with them. Why is that? A profession that gives you > 3 months off during the year and has a starting salary of 38k straight out of university and lower hours.

I got a degree in computer science and I’d say there was no teacher in Sextons able to turn on a computer in the 90’s

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To substantiate this:

Completion rates were highest in teacher-training colleges, followed by the university sector and institutes of technology

Whatever about the code and the bridge, you can be fairly dim and be a jobbing medic or lawyer.

We’ve an abusive raging alcoholic about to chime in with his stale vitriol now…

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Do you want to answer the core question you were asked – and ignored? How many weeks a year should children, for developmental reasons, not be in school? You are implicitly arguing that children should be in school more than 40 weeks a year. Want to back up this claim?

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I know fellas who write code and would need help tying their shoe lace

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You are saying everything about your inadequacies there.

You are uncomfortable around intelligent people. Naturally so.

I never said that.

Yes, you did. If you object to teachers having three months of leave, you are saying children should be more than 40 weeks a year in school. 52 minus 12 equals 40. After all, you were just lionizing people good at maths.

Back to the old ‘I didn’t say that’ shite.

Where did I say that? Only an idiot would say something and then be unable to back that up? You have the opportunity here to show everyone that you are the not the bumbling idiotic trainwreck here that you portray yourself to be here. Substantiate your claim.

I’m saying I never said that because I didn’t say it. I criticised teachers for the rate of pay they get and moan about when it’s extremely well compensated for the hours they work and perks they get.

Never, ever said that. You’re a liar and a fool who can’t back up his lies.

Aha! I have you now, in your simple terms.

Answer: does 52 minus 12 equal 40?

A pity @Juhniallio is now throwing a strop after making an idiot of himself. Would be nice if he for once had the good grace to admit he’s tied himself up in not after being far too sensitive and defensive to a very reasonable point.

You have got me by being unable to substantiate your claims against me?

Still waiting, another examination of your fortitude and for you to back up your idle boasts and you’ve made a fool of yourself.

not everybody is entirely happy with every facet of their job.

teachers forego the right to complain about the shitty parts of their job because they have a good perk.

Is that the rub of it?


But this is really about how the whole entry system and incentives to teaching attract charlatans.