
It’s called covering your ass. Something goes tits up “it wasn’t me” It goes relatively smoothly “look at me mammy”

I presumed the schools were open today. I was drinking most of the weekend so did I miss some big announcement?

Back open up north today anyway.

Little Christmas not a school holiday up there for Catholic schools?

Our lot are back little Christmas aren’t they?

Oh yeah. God be with the days

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Not sure.

Could possibly be just the staff that are back today though but the neighbour’s wife is a teacher and I was chatting to him yesterday and said she was back in tomorrow.

All being said and my hatred for the teaching unions aside, I do feel sorry for teachers, principals and schools trying to manage this. At an individual level teachers are doing their best for their students and won’t please everyone. I don’t envy ye at all at the moment

The teachers are heroes.

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I think principals in particular have gotten a really shitty deal … has to be one of worst jobs going now with all the shit they have to do … department of education have pulled up the ladder on the chopper on them

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Appears anecdotally that the food supply chain is under serious pressure and I’d say they have lobbied government hard to get schools back and the close contacts rules changed to try and get/keep employees at work

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If you look at the salary of a principal and compare it to an equivalent salary in the private sector and compare the level of hardship both get you’d wonder why anyone would be a principal at all. They get fuck all holidays and are practically on call 24/7. And that’s before the amount of shite with parents they’ve to deal with. Madness


The ‘no symptoms, you’re grand’ rule

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School principal is one of the hardest jobs going.

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Vice Principal is where it’s at


That was the rule until they changed it in November.

All the rules are made up so changing them is hardly changing some rule of physics

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Some of them have enough free time to manage county teams.

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It’s more what the job once was and what it has become … even before covid i remember seeing an article on paper about a survey done where 80% of principals surveyed said they wouldn’t have taken job if they knew extent of administrative work involved … imagine now with Covid . You need a good solid vice principal who can handle the staff too…

Egan? Or someone else. I imagine a rural primary school is a much handier number than an urban secondary school


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