
Ours too…serious bonus

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Yes…some local community group doing a heap of schools locally

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My lass’s current school has mandatory school dinners that you have to pay for.
Not quite sure how they get away with this. It’s looks revolting, and she rarely eats it.

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Our school provides the dinners for a large number of kids who it would be felt would be deserving for economic reasons, in many cases it goes into the bin while they tuck into rubbish brought from home,

It’s like cycle lanes etc, it’s alien to us, will take some time

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For every 10 that throw up their noses at it, I guarantee you there’s a kid who comes to school with their tummy rumbling and both he/she and the parents are glad of it.


Thats as good a reason for this as any


My wife recalls there was milk and a bun for some of the kids she went to school with in the 80s. And that would be their first meal of the day (there probably wasn’t anything in the lunchbox either). Agree it will lead to quite a bit of food waste (I see it when I pick up the little lass from afterschool some days) but the positives far outweigh the negatives.

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There’s plenty of food in the school already, no kid ever went hungry before this.
It’s a ferocious waste of good food as things stand, food that could be used to feed hungry people.

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No kid might ever have gone hungry. But like everything else, the ones that for whatever reason needed to be fed were probably the ones that were either subconsciously/consciously judged by other kids and possibly teachers and other parents. Don’t say it doesn’t happen because it does and kids can be extremely cruel when it comes to the haves and have nots. Don’t disagree that there will be wastage but that may be something that can be addressed at a later stage. But for now at least both parents and children can relax in the knowledge that Karen down the road wont look down on them.

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I haven’t a clue what that post means, I don’t think you’ve thought it through at all.
In my school kids never went hungry, kids who come to school hungry are neglected for various reasons, their parents don’t often care about your imaginary Karen,



Just so we’re on the same page,
Are you of the opinion that parents who can’t have a sliced pan or a box of lidl cornflakes in the press are fretting about what the kids in school are thinking, or the woman down the road?
That’s neglect

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Not necessarily but there are people out there for genuine reasons who can’t afford to mich more then beans on toast for dinner and when they don’t necessarily give a shit about what Karen down the road thinks, they do care about their kid being taunted and teased by Karens little angel at school and dont say it doesn’t happen. It happened in my day and you’d want to be fairly naive if you think its not happening today

Nobody in my school would have the piss taken out of them because they’re living in an environment of neglect, it’s not that uncommon.
But you know best :man_shrugging:

St Clements is hardly that bad is it?

Or are you over in Sexton St?

Really? That has to be one of the most naive posts Ive read . Kids can be extremely cruel and to make matters worse with the advent of social media , it doesn’t stop at 3/4 oclock anymore
At least back in my day you could go home at 4 and get a bit of respite from it. Now its constant and kids will taunt/bully whatever way you want to put it over anything.


You’re digging in a small bit here. Your experience of the scheme is of a lot of waste and in a lot of cases the children it’s meant to hit are bringing their own lunch anyway. I think it’s a bit disingenuous to be painting it as all negative though. There will 100pc be a cohort of families and children for who it’s a god send. A hot dinner provided free every day.

Good vote catcher.

Massive, massive waste.

His experience is more relevant than others on here to be fair. He is at the coalface afterall, and specks anecdotically from a deis school.

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I’m not digging in, just responding to the posts that came after my original point. I was only speaking from my experience.
There’s gonna be lots of food waste, schools have always (in recent times) fed the kids who needed to be fed, it doesn’t take long to spot neglect when you’re looking at a child every day, parents who neglect their kids don’t particularly care what others think, they have their own problems obviously.
Hopefully the food is good and pleasing on the eye, in many cases it’ll probably be served up like slop.

In theory it’s a great idea, it hasn’t worked very well in our school so far, it’s being up and running 3 or 4 years, it’s costing the school a lot of money in our case

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