
there’s certainly a bang of gonzaga off that post. it couldve been written by mcdowell himself

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I’m humble about the advantages I was given over the likes of you.

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ah would ya ever feck off, with your blow in bollocks.

if gonzaga ever gets to 350 years, a huge campus, or even allows girls in then we’ll talk about your “advantages”

And then we’ll talk about your slaphead and goofy teeth.

and why im living in luxury in dun laoghaire when youre eating black bread in a crumbling soviet era high rise in wroclaw.

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Honours maths definitely requires work outside of school

Print the legend…

apologies, warsaw :smiley:

Not my point

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There’s not a school on this island that works for 8 hours a day

You went to the Dunstitute ffs


How in the name of fuck can a kid learn the study habits they need when they go to college if they don’t get into the habit of doing homework?

Best school I ever went to. I’d love to send the kids there.

Giving out about people doing homework :grinning::grinning::grinning:

Gonzaga nearly became a Community school in the early 70s, oh what could have been

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I think it should be banned mate.
I got battered by teachers in school, with and without weapons. I support this being banned also. Im struggling to see your point.

thats because you havent done your homework!

Jaysus art :grimacing:

He just can’t help himself. Off to the dunces corner with you Fooley