
Tis easy tell the lads that were rightly bullied in school.

Why should it be banned? That’s quite a bizarre line of thinking really.

certainly wouldve made things a lot more interesting in the upper echelons of irish politics, the judiciary and shite all our songs sound the same music

Well it clearly did fuck all for you Tim.

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Nivir a man in this townland was claner reared than me
But I’m livin in Drumlister and I’m clabber to the knee


In the office early here this morning and I’ve already had to take a number of calls from staff advising they won’t make it in today as the kids are off.

Teachers must have been scrambling at home last night by Morse code to invoke a day off today.

They really are deadbeat pondlife.

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There’s certainly a song in there somewhere to the tune of Parklife. @Sidney

where are these schools that only advise of closure at the last minute?

I don’t know. I didn’t bother quizzing them on it. I was having a bowl of Coco Pops.

When did teachers get power to shut schools?

this is a great opportunity for you now theyve taken you off the fork to man the phones

I stopped taking calls when I saw a pattern emerge with staff members ringing in to say they won’t be in due to teachers.

So they decided in 2016 that they’d be taken tomorrow off due to a storm? Some call from 3 yeas back

Would you think of checking with the local schools? Half the workforce are taking the piss out of you taking a free day off and blaming it on their kids. Quality.

That wasn’t what you asked. The answer to your question is that yes, there is precedent that teachers have the ability to shit schools down at their own collective discretion.

I am undefeated in my arguments against teachers.

You were right. I’d rather have a bowl of Coco Pops than listen to that.


Doesn’t bother me. I’m out of here at 11am and off down to Leitrim for the day.

‘‘We’ll ring in now while the idiot is eating his coco-pops’’