
No, but I had an unromantic entanglement with a teacher - she spent 2 months of summer holidays depressed at the thought of September.
She could have been an ex-wife I suppose

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Ah bummer. That’s rotten. I hope she has a nice day.

That’s all gone now though mate, your PhD will count for nawtin when you take up your vocation

Principal is an absolute cunt of a job, you couldn’t be paid enough, if you’re not teaching there’s nothing at all positive to be said for it

Thats sounds like a great idea but how exactly does it work in practise with Soc dis?

Fuck sake Laz :sweat_smile:

Did I make a boo boo @mac?

Rinne tú.

I see. I’d like to withdraw my earlier comment please. The road to INTERNET shame is paved with good intenetions :frowning_face:

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The people who would judge you are not worth worrying about, bro.

Cheers buddy. You hear that @Mac ? GFU

The Google classroom equivalent of zoom! It was brilliant. They had a picture round of all the teachers in their communion clothes for the day that was in it.


Class. I mentioned this to a primary school teacher friend of mine who is very dear to me and doing her best to keep their spirits up. She is looking into it now, a bit worried though about the rules/laws re kids online or whatever

The July Provision for special needs kids is seemingly dependent on teachers and SNA’s volunteering. Be interesting to see what the level of uptake is amongst the teaching fraternity who have been off with full pay for the last 14 weeks.

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Special needs teachers and SNAs have a very tough job, Nobel vocation hope for the sake of the children they get all the support they need


They do but it’s a job and they get paid for it. Parents and families with special needs kids have a tough job too, particularly over the last 14 weeks 24/7 with zero Stare support, help or relief as a blank cheque and unlimited resources were thrown at the Chinese flu.


Your very ill informed comments up above would not endear you to said teachers and snas who have worked their bollocks off since 12th March.

Myself and my wife are caring for a 9 year old son with non verbal autsim 24/7 for the last 14 weeks with zero help or support from the State and we’re also trying to provide his schooling. My livelihood has ground to a halt over the past three months and my wife is working reduced hours.

I’ve been told by his school principal this morning that July provision in his school is very much up in the air as they are struggling to get teachers and SNA’s in to carry out the programme. Probably exhausted from working their bollox off at home for the past three months (on full pay)

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Are you claiming they were not working since 12 March?

I can empathise with your plight but your anger should be directed at the government and not teachers/snas. You will not find stronger advocates for kids with specific learning difficulties than the latter.


I’m relaying what I was told by the school principal this morning. Teachers and SNA’s have expressed a reluctance to work in July and deliver the July provision programme. It’s looking very ropey for the Programme to go ahead in the school.