
No shame in pulling a stat out of your hole on here pal. 111% of us have done it at some point

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But you get my point though. Male primary teachers have a principals position there for the taking.

I do.

How much would a principal be paid. I could do the principals job handier than I could do the teaching Id say

In the black north you’d be on somewhere around 60k, in a small primary . You’d be teaching half the time, the rest would be spent farming or running a small business…you were hired for your ability after all

It’s this according to Google, but seems low:

The average salary for a Primary School Principal in Ireland is €50,806.

That would hardly be worth it for the amount of shite you’d have to put up with

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It’s not all about money

That’s pretty obvious alright

I’d say it’d be around 60 to 90k depending on size of school and how long you were teaching.
I’d say in certain instances it’s probably the toughest job in the country.
In a big school in a rough part of Dublin you could be in charge of 30 plus staff teachers snas cleaners caretakers and the running of a huge building with all the finances maintenance health and safety etc. That alone would be a very tough private sector job. You are also then ultimately responsible for the education safety and mental health of 600 children and have to deal with every one of their parents and hangers on. Psychologists speech and language therapists etc etc etc etc. The amount of potential pitfalls and life changing law suits lurking around every corner are off the charts.
A cunt of a job.


That’s very low to the point of being unbelievable. The average primary teacher would be on more than that. I’d say principal one is 60k plus with about 75 for 300 school.

Right enough. There’s the 4 months holidays to think about

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I’d say most principals get little more than the 20-25 business days offered by most private companies. They’re in the school for a chunk of the summer.


The women maybe…what man is going to sit in an empty school putting away crayons and pritt sticks for 3 months?


Right, I can see where this is going. Have a good day you weirdo

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Go and take your nose for a walk


Nah… There’s different allowances on top of basic pay also … Like for teachers you get X amount for degree, X amount dip, X amount for PhD etc. I’m sure there’s plenty for principals also…so while that might be a basic figure there’s no way any principal starts on that.

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Was one of your 6 ex wives a teacher?

Do you get paid the same for being a principal of a smaller school in the sticks as that? Or is the grade based on no of teachers or pupils in school

I think the basic salary is based on years teaching. Top of the scale might be 60ish.principal pay is an add on then depending on number of teachers in school.
In a small school might be only 7 or 8k and you’ve to teach too. That’s why they can’t get people to do it.

Cheers. Principal in my kids school, country school with probably 9 teachers maybe, stopped teaching last year. Id say that frees up a fair bit of time alright