
I’m happy to hear that @ChairmanDan is alive and well and surviving the lock down. I was very worried about him, I thought maybe he was dead from Covid.

I hope his situation improves and that he isnt filled with bitterness that he will take out on the heroes of Irish freedom.

That’s exactly it. It is usually younger teachers with no kids that do the July provision in school. The country is up and running again, but they’ve got too used to doing very little for the last three months.

I would accept that secondary teachers by and large have been working full tilt for last three months and there’s the added pressure of Leaving Cert grading. I don’t believe that to be the case for primary school teachers.

My three are all in primary school. There’s a schedule of work posted up for the week ahead at the weekend and we do all the home schooling with them, with little to no input from teachers.


For the very small, theres not much more they can do. It’s like that for Juhy jr. In junior infants. But the little lady is in second class and her teacher is on Google classroom every day interacting with the kids and answering questions. It’s like a kids version of tfk without the racism, insanity, degenerate gambling, fitness advice, craft beer and Tipp haters.


I’m wondering now why I have been home schooling our lot since March if teachers have been working their bollix off?

They have been sending out weekly emails of lesson plans and what to cover and we upload one piece of work every Friday for them to examine.


That’s the massive problem the inconsistency. No clear guidelines. Will be the same in september. Along with the flying kites and the uncertainty over every single part of education its a mess. Whether the government have done well or badly in general they have made an ABSOLUTE BOLLOX of the education part of it.


Teachers volunteering???


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Teachers don’t like being asked to work when being severely well compensated to do so.

End of discussion

TBH and fair ref extra hours ( voluntary) my smallies teachers put a lot into sports, training and matches, including my old English teacher whos now into his mid 80s( Declan Davis colaiste an Spioraid Naoimh Baile an Easpaig) guy actually washes their gear,and help coach

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More or less the same here. Work put up. When we upload it they comment on it

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So its not like a kids version of tfk then.

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Same here, work posted on school website on Monday and a photo of a sample of work emailed to the teacher. My 8 year old flipped her lid this week having been asked to write about “My Weekend” for the 8th week in a row - when nothing new has happened.
We have no school books either.


Contact Principal. Put concerns in writing. That is not very professional from teacher.

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My sister teaches junior infants. She records and uploads all their lessons for all their subjects on seesaw. She’s the only teacher in the school doing PE and art classes but most of the rest do cover all the core subjects well. She spends more hours working between preparing and recording the lessons and correcting the videos of the kids work than she would in normal time. Maybe half the children (read parents) do all the lessons and engage properly. A few kids haven’t logged on even once and a good few parents don’t bother their holes returning any videos of the kids doing the lessons. You’ve fellas on then bashing teachers and they sitting at home drinking cans all day and couldn’t be arsed putting Johnny or Mary in front of an iPad to learn something.



Your sister is a credit to the profession.


She is in fairness to her. She’s very dedicated and she loves it and she’s good at it and the kids absolutely love her. I’m under no illusions all teachers are as good as her, but most I’m her school are working away from home. Where there’s ones not bothering their holes and the principal should tackle them.

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She’s newly qualified and for the first half of the year, I thought she was excellent and my daughter loves her. I still believe she is, in the classroom setting, but there has been a lack of imagination in the work sent home and no guidance on how to keep the children engaged. It’s also been difficult without the school books as we have reams to print off.

My sisters are teachers (one in South Korea ) and have kept me supplied with alternative material to keep her engaged


She should be well able to use technology. She could easily be recording short lessons in maths, irish etc and sending them to kids.

If she is young, there should be nothing stopping her from doing this.

Raise your concerns in writing and ask why the above is not happening. You are well within your rights to do so.

Similar story. 7 year old. The classes were good, the school seems good. But they’ve done the bare minimum since the schools shut. Took a few weeks before they send anything out. Even then it was copy and paste crap from twinkl that’s badly formatted and unprintable even though it needs to be printed. And no facility for sending anything back for review or anything. Just do it, or don’t do it and an email on a Friday with next week’s badly formatted material.

Not much point complaining because it’s universal in the school - that’s how they’re dealing with it.

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