Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Sure they didnā€™t, mate. And Islamist extremists didnā€™t carry out last nightā€™s Paris attacks.

Donā€™t fret lad, We want to keep you safe from these Muslim terrorists.


What happened the band members of Eagles of Death Metal? Were any injured?

two only

I donā€™t know bud good qustion

Some fairly contradictory arguments on here. France didnā€™t fail to integrate these extremists, the ones in their borders that is, they have just clubbed together with their own kind as all immigrant societies do, unfortunately the focal point in a lot of cases are mosques led by extreme preachers, which are more cults than religions. If these young men had jobs and girlfriends they might well be happy, but no country can guarantee that. Although fully legal prostitution would be a start.

Thereā€™s no way to stop this by closing the borders, thereā€™s 30 odd million Muslims already living in Europe. And you can have a perfectly decent hard working educated family, where one disaffected loner son radicalises just to fulfil his need to belong. Short of deporting all Muslims there is no fix, quick or otherwise. So what to do? They need patriot act levels of surveillance in every country, sad that our personal freedom will be restricted, but necessary. And the west, the US or whatever needs to manufacture a reason to invade Saudi Arabia and just seize the oil and assets, end a despotic regime and cut the funding off for so many movements at source. Be good to get a few Muslim nations on board so the western soldiers dont go near Mecca or medinah.

Thereā€™s going to be loads more of these attacks before the public will agrees to mass surveillance, freaks like Wallace and Daly think this is just retribution for western attacks, it isnā€™t, itā€™s a clash of cultures. Multi culturalism has failed in all countries where Muslim and Christian societies try and mix, extremism is the nasty by product.


The French imperialism of North Africa over the last 250 years is coming back to bite them. I feel nothing but sympathy for the innocent people who were massacred last night, but the mass migration of French citizens from North Africa into Paris, Marseille, and the other major cities and the subsequent complete neglection of these people was always going to have major repercussions.

Throw Islamic extremism into the mix and potentially even shadier sources pulling the strings and events like last night are unfortunately bound to happen. The French have not made any effort to integrate there massive Algerian, Moroccan and West African population.

The French political class have completed neglected these impoverished communities who are third generational at this stage.

ISIS or whatever you want to call them were always going to exploit this and did so spectacurely last night. Iā€™d be fairly sure out of the 8 terrorists dead the majority are French born and nationals and the Syrian passport story is a bit of a fable for me.

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Rte news taking in the ā€œSyrian refugeeā€ opinion on the attacks by their colleagues on the Europeans


Bono calls yesterdayā€™s events " an attack on Music"


Some of them just donā€™t want to integrate. Some people have a innate bent towards religion and wish to follow it strictly. So if Muslims want to live in a society where their beliefs and codes are dominant, but western society is at odds with this (womenā€™s, gays rights for example) it makes integration for some impossible.

So if a family of ours you would say that yes or no

Most people are okay pal regardless of colour or creed once they are integrated and given a fair chance at life. Whatā€™s breeding extremism is the inequality these French citizens are facing. Itā€™s not that shocking to see that disillusioned marginalised young men will turn to extremism when they donā€™t have any option to have a successful western life.

France needs to have a look at itself, guaranteed these terrorists are French nationals is my point.

By the way Iā€™ve said it on here many times Iā€™m completely against mass migration into Ireland, In France and Englandā€™s case for that matter you take over these countries you need to step up and take responsibility.

As far as I know weā€™ve never invaded any country so we shouldnā€™t have the same issues. But thatā€™s another debate.

Are they facing any more inequality than Vietnamese who live in France, or subs Saharan Christian Africans? They get the same educational opportunities as all citizens, france allows no statistic keeping or classification of ā€˜minoritiesā€™ all residents are classified the same and entitled to the same benefits throughout life. And as I said you can have Muslim families who are all educated and decent, this is a minority of young males. their view on life, warped to our ears, is at polar opposites to western society, no amount of government led integration will change that.

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Iā€™ve been to Paris twice pal, and by visiting the city regardless of your valid if not odd point regarding Vietnamese and Sub Saharan Christians, the Islamic North Africans are living completely separate lives from the white French majority.

For me, if you donā€™t conform you shouldā€™nt be let into the country, its one of the few good things Australia is doing as well as producing Home and Away. The French or even ourselves the way itā€™s going donā€™t have that choice anymore though.

A lot are living that separate life out of choice. So what do you suggest the government does to help them integrate as you stated above they werenā€™t doing enough.

They could take them out of tower block ghettos for one, properly house, educate and integrate them and after that jail them if all else fails.

Iā€™m no Paul Murphy pal, but the French are arrogant ignorant cunts at the best of times, what makes you think they are giving there own immigrants any sort of a fair chance.

What do you suggest the French should do different pal, if anything?
