Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Are they facing any more inequality than Vietnamese who live in France, or subs Saharan Christian Africans? They get the same educational opportunities as all citizens, france allows no statistic keeping or classification of ‘minorities’ all residents are classified the same and entitled to the same benefits throughout life. And as I said you can have Muslim families who are all educated and decent, this is a minority of young males. their view on life, warped to our ears, is at polar opposites to western society, no amount of government led integration will change that.

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I’ve been to Paris twice pal, and by visiting the city regardless of your valid if not odd point regarding Vietnamese and Sub Saharan Christians, the Islamic North Africans are living completely separate lives from the white French majority.

For me, if you don’t conform you should’nt be let into the country, its one of the few good things Australia is doing as well as producing Home and Away. The French or even ourselves the way it’s going don’t have that choice anymore though.

A lot are living that separate life out of choice. So what do you suggest the government does to help them integrate as you stated above they weren’t doing enough.

They could take them out of tower block ghettos for one, properly house, educate and integrate them and after that jail them if all else fails.

I’m no Paul Murphy pal, but the French are arrogant ignorant cunts at the best of times, what makes you think they are giving there own immigrants any sort of a fair chance.

What do you suggest the French should do different pal, if anything?



You seem to use the euphemism integrate at every opportunity without really explaining what you mean. Why should they get special treatment compared to the other ethnicities and indeed white French people who live in tower blocks etc. The only thing the French government can do is come down on them like a ton of bricks. Track them down through electronic monitoring, infiltration or whatever, jail for decades their own citizens caught or deport forever immigrants. A few high profile captures where their supposed heroes are shot to pieces would also help to introduce a bit of cop on to the masses of youth who for the moment see radical Islam as their only option to have meaningful lives.


Near miracle he was stopped, not all security guards/stewards would be that vigilant

The only thing the French government can do is come down on them like a ton of bricks. Track them down through electronic monitoring, infiltration or whatever, jail for decades their own citizens caught or deport forever immigrants. A few high profile captures where their supposed heroes are shot to pieces would also help to introduce a bit of cop on to the masses of youth who for the moment see radical Islam as their only option to have meaningful lives.

I agree with you completely on the above part of your last post, regarding my euphemism as you called it regarding integration and the difference between white french poor people in the tower blocks. French white people in the tower blocks are generally christians or atheist and as such they don’t have a terrorist group to join and cause chaos with, other then you’re typical drug gang.

Look at the way the French public look at their national football team and the many documentaries that were made before and after their winning of the WC in 98. There is deep rooted rascism and division over there worse then anything we’ve ever witnessed here. That is my point.

He’d know


50 years ago the French police were beating Algerian protesters to death and throwing them into the seine, killing about 200.

At least they won’t react similarly this time.

@maroonandwhite, you seem to think people of different beliefs can’t be integrated. Why? Look at @Nembo_Kid, his beliefs are like something out of the Middle Ages, but he has managed to integrate into Irish society.

What beliefs of mine are like something out of the middle ages?

Cop on for fecks sake.

No, I pointed out where other races integrated into France without much bother. As all races seem to integrate relatively easily in Canada for example. But show me a country where fundamental Islamists integrate. By the way you have fallen into the same warm and fuzzy feeling trap that all western liberals do, you suppose they want to integrate. They don’t.


This is the main problem with integrating Muslims, they’ll alway be loyal to other Muslim nations rather than the nation they are living in. If you move to another country you should buy in fully, learn the language and become a citizen, or fuck off. Religion should be secondary.


Precisely. Multi culturalism doesn’t work anywhere. To some degree you have to buy into the society you move to. Eat the food, play the sports, the music etc if you drive around Paris and think women shouldn’t be let drive or vote and gay men killed immediately there’s no integration possible. This is a belief system that conflicts with a western belief system so for a tiny minority of extremists it is an irreconcilable conflict and they do hate our way of life, it has fuck all to do with ‘western occupation.’ this minority needs to be rooted out to stop the brainwashing of far larger minority of confused unhappy youth.


Has Liam Sheedy been contacted to mediate yet?

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Everything those cunts have done since 2000 has been an attack on music