American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

I’d say it’s simply so many Irish have roots over there.

You’re not gonna believe this Art but guess what? When they banned alcohol…alcohol consumption went down! I know its a stupid comparison but you made it.

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Are there many people of Native American ancestry living in Ireland? I wouldn’t have thought so.

I mean like lived there for a period or maybe have family Over there.

It’s a fact that tens of millions are unaccountable. You made up 75% as I thought you moron.

Sure the war on drugs made sure drug use went down. That’s what you are arguing here.

As for the almost childlike simplicity of your, ‘they’ll just go around collecting them’ argument. Good God. Thanks for proving my point about you anyway.

Did somebody say “childlike simplicity”?

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ill see you and ill raise you

Alcohol Prohibition Was a Failure (

Funny how some of the weirdos that like to go on about “the military-industrial complex” are also in favour of letting assault rifles freely proliferate in society.

Almost like they haven’t thought their views through properly.

Banning drink driving was a total disaster. The people who brought in the law banning drink driving simply didn’t understand the culture.

Child like simplicity.

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The irish media view is completely sweked too

Its mad how differnt it is. It could take you 4 hours driving and still be in the same state. Its 50 small countries bolted together. To say you understand a place of that size and look feom a couple of thousand miles away is mad. I certainly dont understand it but i also can acknowledge that

The chances of being shot are very low its not like its the purge where everyone is walking around ahooting at each other. Id be more worried about someone on fentayl than a gun

Jesus id love if the Purge was real be some craic in fairness.

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It’s simply too big to work.

I don’t think too many gun owners would be cool with that.

China is working just fine pal, dont stress it.

A lot of the right wing extremism in Ireland is coming from the E.U trying to govern the whole of Europe like America.

It won’t work either. People are too different.

Could America deport all American gun owners to the middle of the Saudi desert and leave them there? Would there be much of a difference between the gun nuts and ISIS if that happened? Wouldn’t have thought so?

With the 2 party system and completely polarised on every issue, it really is now. Its not about making the country better for its people its all about getting one up on the other team. Its fallimg apart

Just to restate a few facts rather than myths.
North America is a very violent place compared to Europe or at least western Europe, the further south you go the more violent it is. Gun murder rates are ten times higher than Europe in the southern states, and tem times higher again in Mexico and central America.
About 20k people are killed in gun violence a year (excluding suicide which is about 25k), this massively dwarfs mass shootings in highly publicized public events which is around 100 a year and mass shootings as in 4 or more shot in one event at about 700 a year.
The great majority of gun crime is done with illegally held guns, this is even more true now because of ghost guns, either made from parts or build by 3D printing. Good luck getting those 100+ million guns out of circulation, more will be made or smuggled faster than you can get them.
If you want to solve gun crime you have to get guns out of the hands of criminals, there is close to zero interest in this as it would mean a draconian clampdown on gangs (the source of most illegally held guns), which would be immediatley deemed as racist by left wong loons.


Who would have guessed that this would be all the fault of “the left wing”, just like everything else is?