Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I’d imagine the Muslims regard it as the way we viewed Ra bombs in mainland UK. Awful at the time but in the grand scheme of things you could see why the Ra are doing it and underneath it all the barstoolers think ‘sow it into the bastards’

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Deep down a Muslim is a Muslim. You can be certain all of them have lay in bed at night and if even for a brief moment have let their mind wander to them packing up and heading to live under the caliph, a notion that was only ever a fantasy but now shockingly it can be reality. The alternative daydream would be to kill every infidel.

Turns out that the many thousands of these Potential Syrian Muslim terrorists that enda Kenny wants to bring to our society will be vetted over here in this country. :hushed::hushed:

All background checks need to be done in their current location.

If any of these people are allowed to travel to this country they should be put into a temporary refugee camp and not let out of the camp until they are ready to be returned to Syria.

We cannot accept the risk of Muslim terrorists having access to the Irish population.

Have any/many Syrians actually entered our land yet?

A better analogy to Paris on Friday night would be that grubby business in Dublin at Easter 1916. A bunch of suicidal nut jobs with no electoral mandate who’s wanton slaughter was largely inflicted on the civilian population of Dublin.

Like at St Dennis on Friday night, that too was an attack around a sporting event, with most of Dublin society off enjoying a day’s racing at Fairyhouse as these sinister opportunists took advantage. The only saving grace is that we can say with certainty that there would be no chance of anyone trying such manoeuvres nowadays if it impacted negatively on the racing industry.

Monasterevin has some in the Hazel hotel.

A number of families have been placed in Thurles

Others due soon in Portlaoise and Tralee.

Only a simpleton would conclude that from what I posted. Comparisons with US gun violence, IRA, etc. are completely irrelevant. What’s at issue here is a clash of cultures between the western secular way of life (which many millions of muslims are happy to participate in) and a growing band of lunatics that believe people should live according to “their” interpretation of what a pedophile supposedly said in the 7th century. I can see only three possible solutions for the west:

  1. Carry on as normal, accept the occasional atrocity, mourn the dead, and make more promises to do “something” (the most likely outcome)
  2. Completely disengage from the region, and build a secure border between it and Europe. Maybe buy their oil at a market price we set, but preferably become ME energy independent, even if it means higher costs for everyone.
  3. Go all in, boots on the ground and wipe out the fuckers. If good fuckers get killed along with the bad fuckers, so be it, that’s what happens in war.
    Pragmatically I would vote for #2, as it is unacceptable for governments/politicians to continue to abdicate their primary role of protecting their citizens, and #3 is never going to happen due to the aforementioned lack of balls in Europe.

3 sounds reasonable.

You’re a fucking moron, mate.

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How about pressure staunch American ally Saudi Arabia to stop exporting Wahhabism and funding groups like ISIS? Or pressure other staunch American ally Turkey to stop the ongoing sale of ISIS oil in their territory?

Both seem more rational than indiscriminate massacre or building a giant wall.


I make a point of not engaging with fuckwits who in their inability to debate the point resort to name calling.

I agree with both of these, and undoubtedly they would reduce funding to these lunatics, but they will still find a way to launch attacks. Those adhering to this ideology need to be either contained or eliminated. War does not have to involve indiscriminate massacre, but collateral damage is unavoidable.

New York Times’ Anne Barnard has a piece titled, “Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks, Feels Forgotten” - covering the double sucide-attack in Lebanon on Thursday that killed 43 people. She contrasts the outpouring of support that Paris has received over the past two days with the lack of solidarity being shown for Beirut.

The perception of being ignored has seemingly taken hold in Lebanon. She quotes the blog of Elie Fares, a Lebanese doctor, who wrote, “When my people died, no country bothered to light up its landmarks in the colors of their flag. When my people died, they did not send the world into mourning. Their death was but an irrelevant fleck along the international news cycle, something that happens in THOSE parts of the world.”

Barnard writes that, "The disparity in reactions highlighted a sense in the region of being left alone to bear the brunt of Syria’s deadly four-year war, which has sent more than four million refugees fleeing, mostly to neighboring countries like Lebanon.


Similarly a Boko Haram massacre that has left an estimated 2000 people dead has been almost completely ignored in the Western media.

The reason is obvious, France has much more cultural relevance here than Nigeria, or Kenya (where 142 students were killed this year), or Lebanon for that matter.

It’s the same reason most people have no appreciation of the context from which these extremists emerge. Scores of people being killed daily in Iraq or Syria doesn’t register as a tragedy here, but it does for them. Failure to appreciate that is why these self-serving fairy-tales about the inherently violent nature of Muslims can be sold here. Or why the British media was able to say the same sort of stuff about the Irish.


You’ve well bought into the American way of (not) thinking mate.

What’s the paedophile (watch your spelling rating) remark about? You sound like one of those apes that think Obama is a Muslim.

Buy their oil at a market price we set? :laughing::laughing::laughing: What in the name of God are you on about??

Now, police in the USA kill over three people every day. What’s at issue here is a clash of cultures between the western secular way of life (which many millions of Muricans are happy to participate in) and a growing band of lunatics that believe people should live according to “their” interpretation of what a bunch of slave owners supposedly said in the 18th century.

Good article in The Washington Post


“The strategy is explicit. The Islamic State explained after the January attacks on Charlie Hebdo magazine that such attacks “compel the Crusaders to actively destroy the grayzone themselves. . . . Muslims in the West will quickly find themselves between one of two choices, they either apostatize . . . or they [emigrate] to the Islamic State and thereby escape persecution from the Crusader governments and citizens.” The group calculates that a small number of attackers can profoundly shift the way that European society views its 44 million Muslim members and, as a result, the way European Muslims view themselves. Through this provocation, it seeks to set conditions for an apocalyptic war with the West.”


Lebanese media has given fuck all attention to Paris, mate.

In related news.


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Is that different to an international arrest warrant? Where say if he came into France they’d be obliged to hold him? Seems to be just Spain from that article.

Yeah just Spain. Judges have a lot of independent power there so can go on a solo run, same as with Pinochet.

But, for countries that have extradition agreements with Spain (the EU) it makes things interesting…

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