Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread



Jesus that is fucking adorable.

You’re slipping further into simpleton territory with each successive post.
Pedophile and paedophile are both acceptable spellings of the word, check your dictionary if you have access to one.
My reference to the 7th century should have been a clue, and far as I know Obama was not around then. Obviously I’m referring to Mohammed, whose second wife was gifted to him at age 7 but the marriage not consummated until she was 9 or 10. A grand lad to be basing your lifestyle on.
Economics doesn’t seem to be your strong suit either. Have you heard of supply and demand? The market dictates the price when supply outstrips demand, why do you think the price of a barrel of oil is where it is at relative to a year ago? With the emergence of fracking, and non-OPEC regions pumping oil at full capacity, we are far less dependent on OPEC supply these days. There are economic reports that at the current price levels, Saudi Arabia will be bankrupt within 5 years, unless the cunts that “govern” the place greatly reduce their lavish spending.
Your analogy with cops killing people in the US is so moronic it almost doesn’t deserve a response. Cops in the US respond to crimes just like in every other country, the difference is in the US they frequently encounter violent situations (often domestic) and armed individuals. The great majority of killing by cops are in self defense against individuals trying to kill them. Of course that rarely makes media headlines.


And that’s why we will win.

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Your posts on this thread are moronic gibberish. It’s a pity because you’re fairly on the ball most of the rest of the time.

I didn’t infer you were talking about Obama, I implied that your attempts to denigrate an entire religion were as dumb as claiming Obama is a Muslim (as if it should matter).

What’s the difference between your little spiel about Muhammed and venerating and moronically following rules set down by a bunch of slavers anyway?

Your defence of the U.S. Police force is laughable. And even if it’s true, then Murica has far more to fear from its fellow citizens than it has from terrorists. We know that anyway, American cops kill more people than Islamic terrorists, and American citizens kill far more people than them.

Youve gone full retard on this thread pal. Jjst to clarify your latest thought process, cops only shoot people in america because they fully buy into slave holder ideology?



What the fuck is this about?

Fuck off you soup taking lick spittle

how dare you


ok guys,just to let you know I flagged maroonandwhite post as inappropriate

Cunts posting non terrorist stuff in here need a serious talking to.

Anything blown up anywhere across the globe today?

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Now that’s a clamping.

Just @Tassotti 's jacks.

I forgot to respond to this “point”. You fancy yourself a bit of a markets expert but you’ve misjudged this one.

You said “we” should pay “them” a “market price we set”. “A market price we set” is a complete oxymoron. It’s silly beyond belief.

Oil prices are low because Saudi A has so decided. They’ve done so for two reasons, one to fuck over Iran who are reentering the market after sanctions were lifted, and two their policy of focusing on market share rather than price. This second part includes an aim to drive smaller US fracking and oil producing companies out of business which has been only partially successful.

Saudi has mooted cutting government spending by 10%, which demonstrates their commitment to this policy. They can cut production whenever they want and raise the price if they want.

“We”, by which I suppose you mean the USA, is so far from controlling oil prices that your point is utter scutter. Same goes for Europe’s reliance on foreign gas.

Not strictly true glas. From what I understand, fracking in America has been a major drag. All factors I’m sure.

They would like to promote that narrative wouldn’t they?

The yanks don’t need Middle east oil any more. The Saudis are primarily driving the price down to maximise their cash inflows in the short term. They need it.

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