Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

The most obvious spin would surely be the Saudis saying they are deliberately dropping the price of their oil. It’s like something the current FG mob would come up with.

The market decides the price. The Saudis (to a large degree) decide how much is produced, which is what affects the price.


“oil prices are low because Saudi a has so decided” is your direct quote.

l’Equipe reporting that the stadium in Hanover is being evacuated and the Germany v Holland game is called off.

The king of whataboutery has spoken.

Saudi dictates how much oil is produced which dictates the price, what is not clear about that?

That’s what the Saudis would like you to believe. This is a more plausible statement than the yanks giving a flying fuck one way or the other is it not?
If your business may be failing due to falling profits, and you are effectively a dictatorship, surely it is in the interests of the ruling family to have people believe they are doing it as part of a grand plan far more than it is that the yanks are mithered.

Ps both are factors.

Since the yanks are the biggest consumers of energy, let’s assume they give a flying fuck. And if you’re a dictatorship, you probably have less cause to try to spin the story, it’s not like the electorate is going to turf them out. And, you know, oil production, prices, and consumption are measurable, and the largest producers and consumers have been competing with each other across all three for decades.

You’re missing a big point pal, the majority of the isis terrorists aren’t actually Syrian. They are just fighting against Assad in Syria, and some were backed militarily by the West not so long ago when it suited.

They are a mixed bag of nationals from all over the middle east and are heavily financed by the Gulf States who incidently don’t take any Syrians. You’re targeting of Syrian refugees coming into Europe is way off, they have a sizable christian community.

the Saudis have a far more vested interest in this than the yanks.

Confirmed on the BBC Site.


Suitcase found in the ground.

is it called off

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Did you read your own link?



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It is Joe.

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Fucking hell, a truck bomb discovered near the ground at the Germany game.

Munster rugby football fans after getting mugged off after forking out for flights and accommodation - their match in Paris this weekend is off.