Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Fuck me, the German football team will be reduced to gibbering nervous wrecks.

Disguised as a security vehicle apparently.

The security next summer in France will be off the charts.


Rettungswagen = ambulance

Sprengstoff = explosives.

What can be done

ah here, time to get serious with these cunts, time to send in the British army

Close off europe

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too late now

I will be slated but yes its time

An England fan was holding up an “RIP France” sign during the French national anthem at Wembley there. He’s clearly taking this friendly very seriously.


Was pissing myself laughing at that.

From who?

Something funny

Angela Merkel is an absolute disgrace.

She tries to tell other European countries how to do their business, yet she cannot even protect her own citizens from these Muslim terrorists.

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She did protect them. The attack was intercepted.


Belgium Spain is also called off, but Belgium have accepted their fate and become a breeding ground for Muslim terrorists.

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They had to call the game off because they could not guarantee the safety of the people.

Muslim terrorists 1 - 0 Germany

Muslims in turkey boo the minutes silence for Paris

we are not allow their specaial

Mental if that story about the ambulance is true.
Its possible the current extremist cells in Europe might now be of the opinion that their days are limited so will try to pull off as many "spectaculars " in the coming weeks as possible.

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They certainly seem determined to get the German football team if nothing else.