Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

First losing to Ireland and now yet another assassination attempt on mezut ozil and Philip Lahm. A bad few weeks for them.

I see plenty of France/England 50/50 scarves at the game. What a sham.

I’d say this one is a hoax myself, you’d only have to mention bomb in a European city at the moment to cause chaos. More high jinx than a terrorist threat I’d say.

A few other events evacuated in Germany tonight.

A disillusioned taxi driver in Limerick who dropped me to the pub on Sunday was saying he was joining ISIS due to his insurance premium going up so much.

The cab driver on the way home who claimed to be from Mick Mackey country claimed Limerick will never win another AI.

Both were very dangerous individuals. Talk of false flags is very misguided. :eek:

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Just heard on the radio there that the sister of one of @Fagan_ODowd 's favourite footballers, Griesmann was in the Bataclan but survived.

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These Muslim threats to the Europeans are chilling


Richard Boyd Barrett is on prime time now, giving advice on how to respond (or not to respond) to the terrorists


No bomb found

Some seriously deluded british and west brainwashed heads posting here. Educate yourselves boys and stop watching sky news and eastenders


The 'bomb the lot of ‘em’ brigade are out in force. Obviously the best solution. Dropping bombs on West Belfast would have ended the troubles in no time.


Dialogue eventually ended a lot of the mayhem in the north. Bombing any patttof Belfast wouldn’t have Bern as effective.

Are you suggesting talking can solve this one?
Be serious now.

The invadours are still here though. The nationilsts have been the bigger men if thats your thinking

Just had a few beers with a senior government minister pal of mine.

He would be liberal, I would be conservative.

We did not discuss Muslim terrorists.

Where in the name of Jehovah did you get the idea I am denigrating a whole religion? The level of PC regarding Islam in Europe is mindnumbingly moronic, from the same wankers who love to sprout shit about the RCC. I merely stated the indisputable fact that Mohammed was a pedophile, and that a small minority of Muslims interpret his writings to legitimize slaughtering infidels (including their fellow Muslims who disagree). What people do regarding their chosen religion is irrelevant, I don’t care if people want to lie on the floor all day praying or flagellating themselves, who gives a fuck. But when they decide their religion compels them to slaughter those that don’t agree with their 7th century mindset, fuck that. It’s really as simple as that. The great majority of Muslims are normal peaceful people just like the great majority of Christians, and nowadays most are secular in their thinking anyway, as it’s the only way a multicultural society can function. This is no different to an outbreak of Ebola, you contain it and then eliminate it. That or offer up your kids for sacrifice to the fuckers.

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Gab is a Muslim terrorist apologist

There is no talking to those types. They feel sympathy for Muslim terrorists that murder Europeans

A market consists of sellers and buyers. When supply exceeds demand prices fall. There is no conspiracy by OPEC, they have lost their power. Oil is not alone, copper and all commodities have fallen dramatically because there is a global slowdown in traditional industries. The countries that will survive this downturn will be those that are not solely dependent on oil revenues, lower oil prices are good for those countries, but OPEC who largely have oil and sand will suffer. The costs of shale production are dropping so the US industries will do fine. This is a game changer in Paris, it’s time for the developed world and semi developed world to get together and wipe out these fuckers.

Police operation in St Denis north of Paris near Stade De France. 2 or 3 men reportedly holed up in an apartment exchanging heavy gunfire with French Police since 4.30am, some police apprently injured. I’m sure Kay Burley is on the scene and can fill you in with the rest.

French media quoting police sources reporting that Salah Abdeslam, on the run since the attacks on Friday night, Abdel-Hamid Abu Oud, the alleged mastermind of the attacks but thought to have been in Syria and also the recently mooted ninth gunman are the three in the apartment. They have apparently all been killed (all sounds terribly convenient to me, but I might just be a bit cynical).