Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Is this the Islamic State’s Princess Diana moment?

I don’t think they’re keen on women.

Hence why I’m substituting a male Jihadi into the role of the female protagonist.

Salah’s biggest error of judgement since he spurned Liverpool to go to Chelsea.

Now that’s what you want in a Taoiseach - out at the coalface, intercepting terrorist attacks.



The man can walk with giants and the common folks. A true statesman.

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A woman blew herself up in the shoot out apparently

A few pints with Leo in panti?


Well done France Police. Glad to hear this has all been sorted. The West wins once again. Carryon as normal now everyone, Christmas is around the corner.

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Apples and oranges.

The Americans and the British have been trying to “wipe out these fuckers” for the past 20 years, with budgets to match their intentions. There is no easy option to turn to. If there was they’d already be doing it.

It’s completely understandable for people to want a forceful reaction, but world has already “gotten tough”, “removed the shackles from the army”, and “taken the kid gloves off” - and the situation has deteriorated and not the opposite. What the hell do people think has been happening since 9/11? Do they really think that Western governments haven’t been taking this seriously?

And bear in mind that these dismal results have come at the cost of mass surveillance by governments in the West of their own citizens, and the introduction of powers for state security forces that would have been unthinkable 20 years ago.

The answer isn’t doing more it’s doing better. You won’t defeat an ideologically driven terrorist movement with indiscriminate use of force. If anything you will strengthen it. History has shown that over and over again. Defeating such movements has always been about the intelligence war, which itself depends upon public sympathy for your side.

If they can target Islamist militants with strikes that only, or even predominately, kill combatants then air power is of value. But here’s the reality - nearly 90% of people killed in recent drone strikes were not the intended targets - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/civilian-deaths-drone-strikes_561fafe2e4b028dd7ea6c4ff

Dropping death onto civilians from the skies in other words, because of the pressure to be seen to do something, even if the intel they’re going on is dogshit. Obliterating people’s innocent family members is not going to make them appreciate the justness of your cause and tell you where the bad guys are. That much should be obvious.


so whats the answer here folks?

a leaflet drop maybe?


Send @glasagusban as a peace envoy.

The most sensible post on this thread in a while

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I’d have sent him into the apartment in St Dennis with an explosive vest personally.

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if he gave them all a hug maybe they might stop killing everyone.

The French special forces have used Sky amd CNN like a puppet on a string :clap:.

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Well lets hope to fuck you’re not writing them.