Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

No point blitzing them until there is a realistic moderate force ready to move into the vacuum.
Create the right circumstances and then annihilate the Isis main powerbases from the air.
This all depends upon organising an alternative ruling body first. This choice has always been the problem in recent conflicts. Doesn’t need even to be necessarily democratic, just tough enough and secular enough and benign enough, and it needs to be chosen for the good of the general population, and fuck the oil.

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Interview with the alleged mastermind of the Paris attacks on pg. 72 of this - http://media.clarionproject.org/files/islamic-state/islamic-state-dabiq-magazine-issue-7-from-hypocrisy-to-apostasy.pdf

I didn’t even know ISIS had a monthly magazine. Lol at “the Crusader Eric Pickles” on pg. 77.

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The real craic will start after Isil are gone and the Kurds look for their old country back. Armed to the teeth and battle-hardened. Ten more years of it.

The Kurds are very different to ISIS. Read about the statelet they have created in Rojava:

“Syrian Kurdistan or Western Kurdistan (Kurdish: Ú•Û†Ú˜Ű§Ú€Ű§ÛŒ Ú©ÙˆŰ±ŰŻŰłŰȘŰ§Ù†â€Ž, RojavayĂȘ KurdistanĂȘ), commonly known in Kurdish as Rojava, is a de facto autonomous region in northern Syria. The region gained its autonomy in November 2013 as part of the ongoing Rojava Revolution, establishing a society based on principles of direct democracy, gender equality, and sustainability. Rojava consists of the three cantons of (from east to west) Jazira, Kobani and Afrin. Rojava is not officially recognized as autonomous by the government of Syria and is a participant in the Syrian Civil War.”

That’s a model for the entire region.


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He’s a bit of a langer on some subjects, but wtb is fairly nailed on with this. As always the answer is somewhere in the middle and wtb is around there.

One thing that should be addressed in the UK and elsewhere is the issue of Salfist/Wahhabist schools.

This is one in Manchester - http://salafischool.co/

On the curriculum page they state:

"We use our own Curriculum, based on the book of Shaykh Bin Baaz – Important Lessons for Every Muslim”

Bin Baaz for those unfamiliar with him was the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia and a leading scholar of Wahhabism, the extreme cult embraced by ISIS and the like.

The primary reason Wahhabism spreads is because Saudi oil money builds thousands of mosques and schools like that one across the world. It seems utterly ridiculous that billions are spent on weapons and bombing campaigns, when a dangerous ideology like Wahhabism is allowed to spread unhindered.

It makes no sense. The only reason they can run such schools is because of funding from abroad (Saudi Arabia). As state funded schools they would have to bring their curriculum in line with an education that reflects Western liberal values. Massive expenditure on military campaigns while refusing to confront the Saudis on this issue makes a farce of Western opposition to Islamic extremism.


A rake of refugees have been spotted off the coast of North Leitrim. Should I call for help or attempt a rescue mission myself.


The crusader Eric Pickles :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Is that Lord Mountbatten’s grand daughters?

Right thinking posts pal, similar to what I was saying above but couched in nicer language for the shriekers. That sect is funding and directing the school in north Dublin as well by the way. Patriot act the shit out of Europe, round up the brain washers and ring leaders and cut them out, jail, deportation or killed while ‘arresting’ them. give opportunity via jobs or education to the young Muslims who are their brainwashed victims. Go to town on Saudi Arabia. No mild pressure will do and their funding will ramp up as they realise their oil money is dwindling and in effect try to begin an imperialism of their own in Europe. But when I suggested people who support the beheading of Christian kids in the Middle East, the killing of gay people and the subjugation of women everywhere are never welcome in Europe, I was called a nazi by our cause whore, so a long road ahead.


Imagine that!

Not PC but true

So you do support radical fundamental Islamists? i still think my approach might work better long term than yours of hiding under the bed and pretending it’s not happening. You fairly went running when I questioned your bizarre rant stating American cops were murderous 18th century slave holders the other day. Does it make you feel good to scream nazi at people while refusing to offer any suggestions as to how the issue might be resolved. Do you realise you seem unable to write like an adult on almost all contentious issues on this site.

@glasagusban, do you have any suggestions on how the situation should be resolved.

Genuine query


Followed by this:


Eh get in line, @hbv is still waiting for him to answer the itinerant problem.

Yes. To be honest I don’t think I could do it justice in a post here, it’s too big. There’s no magic bullet. There’s a plethora of actions needed, long and short term, domestic and international. I don’t see the point in bothering to debate with the hang em high brigade like @maroonandwhite and @anon7035031 (but it is simple enough and fun to point out how dumb a lot of the stuff they’re saying is) let alone Projectfuckhead or some of the other dimwits. I’d be better off bating my head off the wall repeatedly, the yeehaws don’t understand anything but “bomb the fuck out of them” or “boots on the ground”.

@maroonandwhite: “we should kill people while arresting them”
Me: ?
@maroonandwhite: how dare you shriek nazi at me
