Budget 2019

Can you do that through employment related healthcare?

Can we keep this topic to the Budget 2019 please. Lots of auld drivel about welfare cheats, social problems and travelers etc. That talk can is for another thread and clogging this one.

So far we have 50c on fags, fiver on the dole, Christmas bonus back, farmers getting more money, anything else?

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No reduction on USC

Diesel going up Iā€™d say

Give them a decent allowance and they wont rob us

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Ah the good old never forgetting internet

I called him out a few times to spell out his solution that was ā€˜too bigā€™ he clearly stated he had one the first line of the above postā€¦but thenā€¦


Itā€™ll be ages before red catches up on white, even if itā€™s laundered


I donā€™t know why they are bothering with announcing the budget later. RTE just basically listed out absolutely everything thatā€™s happening on the radio there. I donā€™t ever remember a budget that had so much detail leaked before hand

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What about the one Phil Hogan leaked?

What about when we used to have to give in our homework to the Germans to check before we read it out in class?

Pascal strikes me as a water sipper

Sipping water wouldnā€™t be as out of the norm as a player eating a pie on the subs bench for a FA Cup match :grinning:

The cunts leaked the Scally Report on the cervical screening scandal before the actual victims were briefed. Leo tut tutted like it was someone elseā€™s responsibility. Leaking budget details is small beer to these lads.

Thatā€™s happening with the last 7/8 years. When was the last genuine shock budget announcement?

Last one I can remember is Charlieā€™s ā€œif I have it, i will spend itā€ McGreevey announcing the Decentralisation programme. :slight_smile:

I heard there is talk of them bringing in some tax incentive for Landlords who sell their properties with the Tenant in situ. I donā€™t know how that would work, I was talking with an estate agent and they said that Landlords purchasing the property prefer it without a tenant so that they can get their own tenants in.

I couldnā€™t see why a landlord wouldnā€™t want to buy a property with a tenant in it, saves them money, they dont have to do up the property till the tenant moves out and they have revenue coming in right away rather than having to advertise and get new tenants.

Because if they are empty they can jack the rent