Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

assad is a good guy mate



But Ireland is my first worry that I will protect then Europe/ fuck the rest Darwins theory comes in to play

a French lad wrote a open letter to ISIS after they butchered his wife, he’s only wasting is time, the only language they understand is death, come on to fuck Vlad, push the button on the cunts


So now you’re saying you have no solution. Earlier you said you had one, but hadnt the space to outline it on here. Because we, anyone here who opposes your view are dumb and/or nazis. So instead youve asked us to solve what will be a diplomatic nightmare, knowing that whatever we suggest you can pick holes in and feel superior, while never having to proffer your own opinion. Again you have a swipe at American foreign policy in the region. Who has said it was a success? Nobody, running it down is easy and obvious and pointless to any argument, but you’re all about the easy point scoring so keep beating that drum. You clearly have no solution, or stomach, to deal with a fascist force like isis, so please keep quiet until you summon the courage, not to go into battle or anything, but to offer anonymous opinions on the internet. Im sure in school you guffawed at chamberlain or quisling or the vichy regime, you’re just as spineless. Cue the tears laughing emojis, the only weapons you think should ever be used as far as i can see.

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Hes been put on the spot and found out to be the bullshitter everyone knows him to be. Pathetic attempts to wriggle out now. A snake.

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Why would ISIS be bothered with this shit hole, pal?

Have you enlisted pal?

Assad has comfortably killed more people than Isis. He has used chemical weapons on his own population. How are Isis worse?

Oh I forgot, Isis killed westerners.

5000 bullets, you gotta admire that :clap:

Very assad.

time for the RAF to bomb Syria, the greatest Airforce in the world

Has he killed more people then the West’s oil partners in Saudi pal?

Assad is a lot of things, but on a par with ISIS he is not. In fairness to him he has allowed one of the oldest christian communities in the world to go about their business without persecution. Syria was a secular country not so long ago under his watch

He isn’t popular with the west due to his alliance with Iran and Hezbollah end of.

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Yes he’s killed more than Saudi, yes he’s as bad or worse than Isis.

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Have you got a credible source to say that other then Kay?

Why was Assad using chemicals on his people, pal?

Cause he’s an evil cunt. Only an evil cunt would use chemical weapons on his own population, pal.

Edit: or on anyone

Not an answer.

Did he target certain citizens with certain religious beliefs?

Just like Sadam having those weapons of mass destruction.

Have you got proof, or are you just going along with the facebook updates?