Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Fuck off Harry you cretin.

Okay, iā€™ll delete my account straight away.


Thatā€™s what ISIS want you to do.



Joe Player says close TFKā€™s servers.

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Assad is only a puppet in this whole thing. He is an evil bastard though. And his bacon was only spared due to the fact that his wife is british and when the yanks started to make noise, Putin than got involved. However ISIS is now a bigger problem than Assad and the blowing up of that plane last week left together with Paris has left Putin with a decision to make.
Putin will do whats best for Putin. At the moment, the very least he will do is not interfere with the current bombing of Syria. Mid term he might have to have a one night stand with Obama in order try and resolve the ISIS situation. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
As regards Assad, Yea Putin might decide to come to a compromise with the yanks and let him off with immunity. It might suit him better to throw Assad to the wolves.
Either way the situation will intensify if brits decide to give France a dig out with the bombing.
Will get very serious if ground troops go in

Too late, @Bindu_the_arab is already here.


No it was political. Does it matter more if theyā€™re targeted because of religion? Thatā€™s gas. He must be sound so.

Gold Oil Drugs - thatā€™s the only meaning of Gay Byrnes show for those middle eastern leaders.

I asked the question, pal.

So the French havenā€™t captured this Salah Abdeslam chap after all, despite media saying he was dead. And the other chap Abu something or other wasnā€™t arrested either. He was dead too. They donā€™t even know whether he was one of the attackers that was killed, or one of the attackers at all.

They basically havenā€™t a fucking clue.

If September 11, 2001 was the start of a football match between the Osama Bin Laden and Western governments that goes on to this day, Bin Laden would be about 10-0 up by now.

The last 14 years have worked out better than the Islamists could ever have hoped for in their wildest dreams.

Itā€™s like that time Revieā€™s Leeds were taking the piss out of Southampton in the 70s, or Argentina against Serbia in 2006.

the fall of Rome was hastened by the over reliance on barbarian soldiery. I wouldnā€™t give these cunts a pointy stick.

Or maybe they do pal.

I highly doubt that the powers that be in the secret service in the CIA, MI5, Mossad etc donā€™t know who these guys are.

Everything is available on the internet, guaranteed Facebook and twitter has all the names of these people and there supporters in a spreadsheet.

Iā€™d say theyā€™ve probably stopped 99% of the attacks, the thing is these mind controlled jihadis only need to get lucky once unfortunately as we saw on Friday night.

The wars, the radicalisation of Muslims, the clamping down on civil liberties, the demonisation of Muslims in the West, the confusion, the fear, the paranoia, the chaos, itā€™s all worked out exactly how Bin Laden wanted it.

Heā€™s the most influential man in the World in the 21st century so far by a mile.

A lot of people funnily enough would agree with that post if you changed Bin Laden to the West.

The wars, the radicalisation of Muslims, the clamping down on civil liberties, the demonisation of Muslims in the West, the confusion, the fear, the paranoia, the chaos, itā€™s all worked out exactly how Bin Laden wanted it.

And they would be simpletons.

The West, primarily but by no means exclusively the US, has fallen into every trap thatā€™s been laid for it since 2001.

in terms of who is the most evil Iā€™d say its a photo finish http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/07/16/3681202/caesar-capitol/

Agreed, the world is truly mad though.

The West have to hit ISIS were it hurts, that is the only solution. Assad has to be fully backed to exterminate the cunts by Nato along with Russia.

This is Assad, whose barrel bombs have killed multiple times more people than ISIS have ever done.

And heā€™s the ā€œgood guyā€ now.

It would be hilarious if it wasnā€™t so tragic.